Latest Club News

keep up to date with what's happening around the club

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Committee News 

Thank You to our VOLUNTEERS!

Can you picture the Safety Beach Sailing Club without volunteers?
There are countless things that happen in the club, that wouldn't be possible without volunteers. Our weekly races exist because the club rely solely on members help. When members volunteer, they are giving their time and wisdom to the club, for the benefit of other members. This is a selfless act. Volunteers come forward for many reasons and bring a varied range of skills to the role that they are filling. Race management, tower duty, rhib duty, and all behind the scenes happenings, are things that some members don’t give much thought to.
When things go well, we’d love for you to acknowledge those involved.
When things don’t go to plan, we’d like to remind you that our volunteers are only human.
Next time you walk past a volunteer in the club, please thank them for their time. If they look disheveled, ask them if they need a hand. If they look happy, ask them about the smile on their dial. And remember, these volunteers are part of what makes our club so great!
A glimpse at some of our wonderful volunteers.
If you have a great photo of a volunteer, please send it in so we can give them a thanks.
Volunteers 2 

Membership Fees Due

Unfortunately, the club still has a number of members that have not yet renewed their memberships for the 24/25 Financial year. If the club has not heard back from you by COB 14 February 2025, the club will have no choice but to de-register you as members and remove all benefits of membership. This could include; sailing in club organised races (OTB or Keel Boat), storing kayaks, SDP’s etc in the yard and/or access to the dining room and membership discounts.
If there is a reason you haven’t renewed, the club invites your feedback and reasons for not renewing. This helps the club better meet members expectations and desired outcomes expected by members.
Please provide any feedback to the Membership Secretary as follows: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mietta 7 Feb

Off The Beach News

Junior Sail Training 

The junior sail training program has started up again and we had the most amazing weather for day one. With 17 juniors turning up to come and try sailing, our instructors were kept very busy. The forecast temp of 35 degrees meant the water was perfect for instructors, volunteers and our newest juniors. We had 10 kids returning from our first program in November, and 7 new kids. The juniors all hit the water as the keelboats began their Sunday race, and the view was outstanding. All of the parents were thrilled to see so much action on the water and the buzz at the club was palpable. If you happen to arrive early at the club, please be sure to greet and welcome our parents, as we hope that they will continue to grow their relationship with our club. If we could also put in a request with mother nature for the same conditions for the rest of the program, that would be great.

Juniors with kb

Feb Happenings

Keelboat News


Friday Pursuit - Series 2, Race 3
1st Christela Greg Clark
2nd Le Tardis Warrick Pearson
3rd Bombay Sapphire Michael Manson
Friday AMS – Series 2, Race 1
1st Shimmer                 Steve Twentyman
2nd Patriot Jason Close
3rd 2Xtreme Andrew Clark
Full weekend results available HERE
Club Championship Series (Race 6) & Long Distance Race (Race 3)
Race abandoned/timed out.
Many thanks to Dianne Jackson (RO) and duty boat Adagio for manning the tower on Friday twilight, and Andrew Stocks (RO) and Whiskers on Sunday.

This Week's Racing

Friday 7 February 2025
Twilight Pursuit Series 2 - Race 4
Mustang Sally Anniversary Trophy Race
Race Start Time (AEDT):
17:30H Pursuit Start
Race Officer:
Lynlee Coutts
Duty Boat: 
Set up/Results:  
Sunday 9 February 2025
Sunday Summer Series - Race 6
First Warning Signal: 
09:55H Tower Start
Race Officer:
Duty Boat:
Set up/Results:  
The Mustang Sally Anniversary Trophy Race is on this Friday, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to get your name on the trophy!  The Mustang Sally trophy was first presented on the 7th February 2020 by Mark Lawrence and Dianne Jackson, which represented the 10th Anniversary of Keelboat racing at Safety Beach Sailing Club.  The trophy is a half model of the yacht Mustang Sally (SB1), which was the first boat on the keelboat register at Safety Beach.
Look forward to seeing sailors back at the club for the post-race trophy presentation.
mustang sally

Sail Peninsula 2025 (21-23 February)

Please CLICK HERE to enter now - the Early Bird entry fee ends soon.
MYC Thursday Twilight Race to Safety Beach 
As most of you are aware, there is a Mornington twilight race down to the Safety Beach finish line on the Thursday of Sail Peninsula (20 February 2025).  If there are any Safety Beach yachts that would like to head up to MYC to compete in this twilight race, please enter via the MYC website as a 'Casual Entry' for the Thursday Twilight Series.  Click HERE.
Exciting News...
We are thrilled to announce a change in this year's format due to popular demand.  The Friday evening pursuit race will now feature a spinnaker race!  For more details, check out the regatta Notice of Race HERE
Sail Pen Spinnaker 
Sail Pen EntertainmentSail Pen The CalmerSail Pen Movers 
We are pleased to advise that the first 40 entries for this years Sail Peninsula regatta will be provided with one of our new promotional Bambak Canvas bags.
Sail Pen Bambak 
Bambak use old sails to manufacture bags like these and other products. Full details can be accessed here:
The sale of the bags goes towards community support projects and provides employment to people in Vanuatu. The name "Bambak" derived from the Vanuatuan language, means "reborn," symbolizing the new life given to discarded sails.
The bags we are promoting are about 30cm x 20cm with the SP25 logo on the front and a Bambak logo on the back, they are lined and have a zip closure at the top and carry handle. They are a very useful item for storage on your boat.
Get your SP25 entry in ASAP to secure your promotional bag.

Have you planned your next visit to Docklands? Click HERE To find out all about what's on offer at this wonderful destination. 

PLUM stacked logo in jpeg 

Save The Date Feb



Melbourne to Port Fairy (Friday 14 February) 
For 2025, the ORCV’s traditional race to the historic and picturesque port of Port Fairy has been rescheduled to mid-February, taking advantage of more favourable weather conditions and providing a feeder race for yachts planning participate in the 75th Adelaide to Port Lincoln race. 
The 135 mile course runs SW from Queenscliff past the coastal resorts of Torquay, Anglesea, Lorne and Apollo Bay, before rounding Cape Otway and entering the southern ocean. It’s also Valentines Day, so what better what better way to celebrate your one true love – sailing! Enter here: 
Safety & Sea Survival Course – (Sunday, 2 March) 
The next in-person day is March 2nd.  Participants complete an interactive online component of the course before attending the in-person day.  If this date doesn’t work for your diary, reserve your place now for June 1, September 7 or November 30. 
Confidently support your skipper and other crew members by gaining a deeper understanding of safety and survival.  Reserve your place here: 
King Island Race (Friday, 7 March) 
Registrations are open for the 114nm race to King Island.  It’s tactical sailing that brings us to this unique island whose hospitality and steaks are absolutely worth the trip.  Berthing is limited, enter or find out more here: 
Rip Tour Port Phillip Heads (Sunday,16 March) 
You can read a book, diagrams and marine charts, but seeing it from the water with expert guidance is different.  The annual Rip Tour is a practical on-water training event where experienced offshore navigators share information on how and when to transit safely.  Everyone gets a headset so they don’t miss any commentary on navigation aids, tides, lead lights, shipping channels and a copy of the ORCV’s Rip Guide.  The 2025 tour departs Queenscliff at noon on Sunday, March 16.  For your convenience, you’ll be able to catch the connecting Searoad Ferry from Sorrento at 11 am.  Book your place for this unique learning experience: 
Rock Roll

420 Nationals Report

by Nick Meijer

For the 420 nationals 2025 Safety Beach was represented by 5 teams, the best-represented club at the event. Each team itching to hit the water after a long few days of wet and wild NSW weather.
On day 1 of racing, the teams made the hairy downwind trip to the course, weaving between moored boats, Shark Island, and ferries even before the racing began. After starting to acclimatise to the idea of ferries steamrolling through our course, the start began, and we were all off and racing. With the fleet unable to decide whether to go to the land on the left, where the locals recommended, or to Shark Island on the right, it was a constant 50/50 split throughout the day. On top of this conundrum, was the varying wind strength. Often times reaching strengths above 20 knots but even getting as low as 10 across the course. Because of this, everyone had a chance to show their brilliance throughout the day. In particular, Zac Lowe and Finn Meijer, who showed off the hard work they’ve put into improving themselves throughout the year, with great upwind speed and consistent results in all 3 races.
After finally becoming accustomed to the racecourse, we were moved further down the harbour. But whilst this proved a challenge, as we would have to get used to a different course again, it also provided some incredible photo opportunities in front of the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge. However, we couldn’t admire forever, there were races to be completed. Down comes the 420 flag, and it’s time to go. Unfortunately, Zac and Finn were forced to retire for the day after an incident at the beginning of the race. But for everyone else it was pedal to the metal. Again, the tricky Sydney conditions meant that no leg was the same, sometimes paying to go left, other times paying to go right. In the second race, a large portion of the fleet were over early and forced to restart. Condensing the fleet and bringing many of the boats who found themselves at the back end in the first race, fighting at the pointy end of the fleet. After 3 races again, and some damaged boats, there was a much need rest day to look forward to and recuperate for the rest of the regatta.
Day 3 began with little breeze in sight but a gale warning on the horizon. Back to the original course near Shark Island, it was a quick but tight race, with majority of boats incredibly close together. Because of this tightknit racing, much of the results were decided in the very last downwind or even reach to the finish. To add an extra layer of difficulty, a ferry conducting sea trials was anchored within our course. Whilst some sailors felt this inconvenienced them enough to take it to the protest room it was eventually ruled that no advantage or disadvantage was caused by its presence. Once the race was over, we were swiftly sent back to shore with news of 40 knots heading our way (great call by the RO). Unluckily for the 470s finishing a second race, some found themselves to be “sailing with style” (upside down) on their way back to shore.
With points close coming into the final day of racing, teams across the fleet found themselves in intense battles throughout all three races that day. After once again finding ourselves in a new course, this time just inside the Sydney Heads, which can only be described as a washing machine. And just when you thought the Sydney Harbour couldn’t throw anything else at us this week, we had a container ship come directly through our course (possibly trying to round the top mark and join in). With port authorities’ sirens wailing and the booming horn of the ship, the fleet was again split in two as the unlucky teams caught out at the back had to wait for the ship to pass before continuing racing. After learning a lot throughout the week, the “Loonies”, James and Nathan Anderson, put in their best performance of the week. A similar story for Jess Lowe and Kristen Koutsimpiris, who managed to sneak ahead of brother Zac in the first two races of the day. Once again however, disaster struck for Zac and Finn who had a trapeze breakage just before the last race and were forced to head back to shore. Abbey Everett and Matt Whitaker seemed to have left their best till last, as a masterclass in strategy allowed them to overtake countless boats in a single upwind, comfortably securing their overall position. For Gary Cameron and I, it was a final race showdown. After a difficult first leg we found ourselves thinking that perhaps we lead our rivals away from the rest of the fleet to the wrong side of the course, knowing that if it came to drops, we would come out on top. Of course, because of the incredibly predictable unpredictability of Sydney Harbour, this ended up paying for us and we found ourselves once again tussling for position. After a tough downwind battle, it was a reach to the finish and a sigh of relief as we’d pulled ourselves back to take the overall position.
Come presentation night, it was raining awards for SBSC. Zac and Finn taking the perseverance award for continuing to race after their struggles throughout the week. Nathan Anderson taking the award for youngest crew in the event. And last but definitely not least, Jess Lowe and Kristen Koutsimpiris won the Female National Championships! An incredible achievement by them. To hand out each prize (and give some great advice to all) was double 470 Olympic Gold Medallist Malcolm Page. I’m sure many were inspired by his many achievements and stories.
Placings overall:
Gary Cameron and Nick Meijer 5th
Abbey Everett and Matt Whitaker 8th
Zac Lowe and Finn Meijer 10th
Jess Lowe and Kristen Koutsimpiris 11th
James and Nathan Anderson 13th
Well done to all!
420 Vic Team


If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok


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Photo Of The Week

Well Done Junior member Mika Robinson for jumping into the water on Sunday to help with a 420 capsize.
Photo take by Fiona Lowe as Mika was heading back to shore for some warmth. 

Off The Beach News

Howdy Gang.

What a weekend, eh? Sometimes this report just writes itself and this week is a standout. First off, it was Australia Day/ Club Birthday so we had two days of sailing to enjoy. Then there was the ordinary weather forecast for light wind on Sunday and a howling gale on Monday. Well, as usual you can't always believe the BOM; Sunday was a beauty. 
A 10.30 start that caught a few out, gave the rest of us a ripper sail out near the mussel farm. A comfortable 8 to 10 knot breeze gave the 17 starters more than enough to get around the cans. It was so nice in fact that as I went through the finish, I jokingly suggested to RO Ross M that perhaps we could do four races then and not worry about Monday. He held up three fingers; good enough for me! Race two, more of the same, with a tight battle in Div three between all boats. Grace L came out on top, handing Dad second place again and the other boats swapping places left right and centre.
With the wind easing, it was clear that three races would be the limit for the day and that was ok. With lighter wind, the shifts seemed more pronounced, well they did to me anyway. As I finally, finally and legitimately went around the first three marks ahead of 'Gingerbread' Bill M and 'The Maestro' Rick P ( but still behind new member James T), I held a tack for too long instead of covering them, then tacked into a lull and lost the lot. Ah well, it was nice while it lasted.
Back to the beach ( that was a pretty nice sail as well ) and on with the festivities. 58 years and counting for SBSC and the party was going off! With such a beautiful day, it was standing room only on the deck and inside was pretty full too. With food, drinks and music, the atmosphere was great and when RO for Monday, Ewan C, asked me whether there were many that were keen for a sail, knowing that the forecast was for strong wind and 42 degrees. It might have been the bonhomie of the moment, but everyone that I asked was keen as mustard, " Where else would you want to be with 42 degrees than on the water with spray in your face?" they all said. Oh dear, be careful what you wish for!
Monday dawned hot and windy alright but not as bad as predicted. The Northerly was actually a Southerly, so the water in close was pretty flat, but those white caps were telling a different story further out! Ten crews were up for it , plus Taipan Tony, who was itching for a sail but sadly and wisely said that it was not a day for an A Class cat. " Take out 'Sabre 1435 Shadow' "I suggested. "John W said anyone was welcome and it was practically rigged and ready to go" What could possibly go wrong? Well not too much actually. After getting him set up and a two minute briefing on what to do when he capsized ( shut your eyes and hold your nose), he was off. With his cheer squad up on the deck chanting, "Tony, Tony, He's our man, if he can drive a Sabre, anyone can!" and Jamie F in the water as usual helping with the launches, Tony took to the boat like a duck to, well, water. I was ahead keeping an eye on him, feeling a bit responsible, and when we went past Duncan M in the water with his mast punched clean through his deck just from the force of the wind, and a couple of others heading back to shore, I thought "Hmm, perhaps this wasn't such a good idea". As I went past the start boat, I asked them to get the RHIBs to keep an eye on Tony. "Tony? Surely he hasn't come out in his A Class!" Then they saw him, ah, now it made sense, sort of.
No mucking around from the race team, course set, bang, let's go! Two Tasars, three Lasers and three Sabres, hit the line ( well, Tony went around it )and we're off. To be honest, it was strong, but the waves weren't too bad and all was good until you got near the top of the course. Those bullets coming over the hill really let you know who was boss! Round the mark and a good old screaming reach to the wing. I had so much water on board and at that speed, the suction of the venturi was so strong it nearly dragged me through the bottom of the boat! And that spay in the face? Yeah it certainly was keeping us cool!  Not looking forward to the gybe, whack! made it, thank God for the helmet! Grace L came flying around the outside, not so lucky but up in a flash and away, dang She's good!
A quick look for Tony, there he is, oops, there he goes! But no, he's up again ( one of four capsizes he told me later and managed to get them all up on his own). Around the bottom and away again, still can't catch James T in his Sabre. Not to worry, staying upright is more important at this point! Up near the top mark I saw the Tasars go around and head off for the wing. I'm pretty sure I saw daylight under one of them. Around we go and a run for the finish, being very conscious of tipping in backwards after the day before's effort, I bore away a bit before working up the courage to gybe. There goes Grace again, Woo Hooing all the way! 
Here's the finish, I think one race might be enough for me. What's that? The old blue and white flag, what a shame. Another reach for the beach, but hang on, where's Tony? I forgot to tell him that Div two is triangle/sausage and he was heading for the wing mark again, better go and get him. "Hey Tony, you've gone too far(again), do you want to finish after you've put in all this effort or head home?" "I don't mind either way, I haven't gone around any of the marks anyway!"
Back to the beach and plenty of helpers there which was greatly appreciated. Pack up, wash down, change and up to the deck. What a day. What a weekend! If you weren't there, well, sucks to be you, sorry.
I can't leave off without a huge thank you to everyone that made this weekend so enjoyable. From Dave and Deirdre Snooks and all the catering/bar staff as well as all the on water helpers Sunday and Monday. ROs Ross M and Erik M, Rob C, Simon H, Rob W, John M and Fiona L with Ben and Mika all in the RHIBs. It was Mika's second time out and she had to jump in to help with a rescue, great work. Also Geoff E behind the scenes getting the race set up in sailor app. Extra extra special thanks to Super D for her efforts on the Start boat, not just this week in such conditions, but every week without fail' rain or shine and even thunder and lightning!
That's about enough from me except to mention the absolute stand out play of the day on Monday. As good as Taipan Tony was, it paled in comparison to the one and only Mr Glenn Lazar, who, as he was leaving the beach in his Laser, spotted a JetSki that had stopped (almost), in his line. With some amazing skill, not seen since the days of the Holden  Precision  Driving Team, he kept his line and with just enough hiking to raise the boom to head height, managed to give the passenger a whack behind the ear hole and carry on as if nothing had happened without even looking back. Very smooth. No one was seriously hurt except Ross M, who nearly had a heart attack from laughing!
Sorry about all the exclamation marks, it was just one of those weeks.
Cheers, Pete Chippy
A Sabre Train taken by Fiona Lowe
Sabre train

Feb Happenings

Keelboat News


Fun Friday Pursuit Race
1st Christela Greg Clark
2nd 11.11 Till Brauckmann
3rd 2Xtreme Andrew Clark
Australia Day Schnapper Point Race
1st Marrakesh Neil Hawker
2nd Vamonos Fiona Jones
3rd 2Xtreme Andrew Clark
Full weekend results available HERE
Thanks to our tower teams for their time over the long weekend; Amanda Malin (RO) and duty boat 'Vamonos' for Fun Friday's race, and Elaine Nicholas, Tom McCullough and Amanda Malin on Australia Day.
Festival of Sails
By all accounts, the boats representing SBSC at Festival of Sails experienced some great racing, including the passage races from Mornington and the city on Saturday.  Some were well placed going into the last race day, but unfortunately Monday's race was abandoned due to weather so missed a final opportunity to make up some points!
Maximum Limit leaving Geelong Marina on Monday
Maximum Limit
Vincitore in action in Race 2

This Week's Racing

Friday 31 January 2025
Twilight Pursuit Series 2 - Race 3
Race Start Time (AEDT):
17:30H Pursuit Start
Race Officer:
Dianne Jackson
Duty Boat: 
Set up/Results:  
Sunday 2 February 2025
Club Championship Series - Race 6
Long Distance Sub-series - Race 3
First Warning Signal:  09:55H Tower Start
Race Officer: Andrew Stocks
Duty Boat: Whiskers
Set up/Results:   Jan


To make this one of the best Sail Peninsula events, we need as many SBSC keelboats to enter as possible.  The Keelboat and Sail Peninsula sub-committees would really appreciate it if skippers could please get your entries in ASAP to support this club event. To enter please CLICK HERE
Exciting News!
We are thrilled to announce a change in this year's format due to popular demand.  The Friday evening pursuit race will now feature a spinnaker race!  For more details, check out the regatta Notice of Race link HERE
Sail Pen Spinnaker 
We are pleased to advise that the first 40 entries for this years Sail Peninsula regatta will be provided with one of our new promotional Bambak Canvas bags.
Sail Pen Bambak 
Bambak use old sails to manufacture bags like these and other products. Full details can be accessed here:
The sale of the bags goes towards community support projects and provides employment to people in Vanuatu. The name "Bambak" derived from the Vanuatuan language, means "reborn," symbolizing the new life given to discarded sails.
The bags we are promoting are about 30cm x 20cm with the SP25 logo on the front and a Bambak logo on the back, they are lined and have a zip closure at the top and carry handle. They are a very useful item for storage on your boat.
Get your SP25 entry in ASAP to secure your promotional bag.

Cruising News

Discover Docklands

Have you planned your next visit to Docklands? Click HERE To find out all about what's on offer at this wonderful destination.

Junior Sailing 

Learn To Sail Feb   Apr 2025 resized
Junior Sailing starts again on 2nd February and runs until 6th April.
The cost is $120 for members. Please click THIS LINK to register.  
PLUM stacked logo in jpeg 

Save Date Feb to March 


Melbourne to Port Fairy (Friday 14 February) 
For 2025, the ORCV’s traditional race to the historic and picturesque port of Port Fairy has been rescheduled to mid-February, taking advantage of more favourable weather conditions and providing a feeder race for yachts planning participate in the 75th Adelaide to Port Lincoln race. 
The 135 mile course runs SW from Queenscliff past the coastal resorts of Torquay, Anglesea, Lorne and Apollo Bay, before rounding Cape Otway and entering the southern ocean. It’s also Valentines Day, so what better what better way to celebrate your one true love – sailing! Enter here: 
Safety & Sea Survival Course – (Sunday, 2 March) 
The next in-person day is March 2nd.  Participants complete an interactive online component of the course before attending the in-person day.  If this date doesn’t work for your diary, reserve your place now for June 1, September 7 or November 30. 
Confidently support your skipper and other crew members by gaining a deeper understanding of safety and survival.  Reserve your place here: 
King Island Race (Friday, 7 March) 
Registrations are open for the 114nm race to King Island.  It’s tactical sailing that brings us to this unique island whose hospitality and steaks are absolutely worth the trip.  Berthing is limited, enter or find out more here: 
Rip Tour Port Phillip Heads (Sunday,16 March) 
You can read a book, diagrams and marine charts, but seeing it from the water with expert guidance is different.  The annual Rip Tour is a practical on-water training event where experienced offshore navigators share information on how and when to transit safely.  Everyone gets a headset so they don’t miss any commentary on navigation aids, tides, lead lights, shipping channels and a copy of the ORCV’s Rip Guide.  The 2025 tour departs Queenscliff at noon on Sunday, March 16.  For your convenience, you’ll be able to catch the connecting Searoad Ferry from Sorrento at 11 am.  Book your place for this unique learning experience: 


If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok


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Australia Day Weekend flyer 2025

Photo Of The Week

Our 420 Sailors have been battling it out at the 420 National Championships 2025 on Sydney Harbour. The regatta has been captured by Marg's Yacht Photos, and with such iconic surrounds, all competitors are requesting the 'Money Shot". Here are some of those photo's. 1/ Riptide skippered by Jess Lowe and Kristen Koutsimpiris as crew. 2/ Riptide and Blimey skippered by Abbey Everett with Matt Whitaker as crew. 3/ Loonies skippered by James Anderson and Nathan Anderson as crew (photo credit Kim Bond Metung YC). 4/ Giacomo skippered by Zac Lowe and Finn Meijer as crew. 5/ Azzurra skippered by Gary Cameron (DBYC) and Nick Meijer as crew. Full regatta report next week. 420 riptide420 riptide blimey420 nathan420 Zac Finn420 Gary Nick

Off The Beach News

Howdy gang.
Not much of a day for sailing last Sunday was it? But let me pose a question and see if you get a similar answer to me. What is the difference between 'sailing' and 'being in a sailing club'? The way I see it, if you're just in it for the sailing, then last Sunday was pretty awful. You wait all week for your chance to hit the water, you spend the time driving, rigging up, dragging your boat across the sand,  just to sit there looking at that glassy water and getting frustrated. Then you drag your boat back across the sand, de-rig, pack up and drive home,  all the time thinking 'what a waste, why did I bother, I should have stayed home and read a book'. (I was going to say mow the grass, but that would have been stretching it a bit far!).
But look at option two; being in a sailing club. It starts off the same, driving, rigging, dragging. But then it changes a bit. Instead of standing there alone and frustrated, you can stand there with your friends, pointing and waving vaguely at the horizon. Then turning around, pointing and waving at those already up on the deck. Everyone helping each other to bring those clean and dry boats back up(if you even bothered to take them down). No need to change out of wet gear, then straight up to the deck to join the throng.
I mentioned to someone on Sunday that normally by the time we get in, pack up and change, a lot of the crowd has already left, or doesn't come up at all. But this week, because it was such a beautiful day (just not for sailing), that the deck was full of members, sailing and non sailing, just shooting the breeze so to speak. The camaraderie between keelboat and OTB is terrific and on a day like this, everyone is in the same boat, pardon the pun. So yes of course we want to sail, but if the weather gods say 'No', then I reckon option two is pretty good. 
It wasn't a complete wipeout either, as some eager beavers did hit the water and got along for a while. RO Rob Flemming, out for his first go in the big chair, under the watchful eye of Super D, tried his best but wisely put up the AP early and eventually pulled the pin at 3.00, leaving that sparkling water to the circling jetskis, bloody vultures!
Thanks also to Alister M, Murray M and the two Lukes, M and M- all the M's!
And while there was no competition on the water, that didn't stop Grace L and Rick P having a reverse tug of war trying to push two halves of a Laser mast together. There was no winner in this battle, but there sure was a loser as that mast snapped like a carrot! See picture.
At the time of writing, the 420's were still hard at it at the Nationals in Sydney, so good luck to all of them. Apparently the wind has been fairly strong up there, I didn't realise Rob C had gone as well! 
That's about all for this week. Don't forget this weekend we are sailing Sunday and Monday. 10.27 first warning on Sunday morning followed by the SBSC birthday bash upstairs. Then our normal 13.57 first warning on Monday. Be there or be square!
Cheers, Pete Chippy
Rick Grace 

Aus Day 2025 Music Flyer

Keelboat News

This Week's Racing

Friday 24 January 2025
Fun Friday Pursuit Race with optional Spinnaker
Race Start Time (AEDT): 17:30H Pursuit Start
Race Officer: Amanda Malin
Assistant:  Vamonos
Set up/Results:   Amanda

Please note: All boats will be automatically entered in the Fun Twilight Race, so no need to do a Sailsys entry (if you haven't already). If you decide to use spinnaker on the night, please ensure you advise the tower (via VHF radio) prior to the race and add a 3 minute penalty to your published start-time. 

Sunday 26 January 2025
Schnapper Point Race followed by
SBSC Birthday Celebrations
First Warning Signal: 
09:55H Tower Start
Race Officer:
Elaine Nicholas
Amanda Malin
Set up/Results:  
It's not too late to enter the Schnapper Point race this Sunday, and then return to the club for an afternoon celebrating SBSC's birthday. The Schnapper Point Race is a 'stand-alone' race, so please enter HERE
Geelong - Festival of Sails
There are a number of skippers and crew heading over to Geelong for the long weekend, representing SBSC at the Festival of Sails .  Best of luck to the following yachts:
Unprecedented (Passage Rating Series, Div 3)
Maximum Limit (Passage Rating Series, Div 4)
Vincitore (Passage Spinnaker Series, Div 1)
Ninjo (Mornington Peninsula Series)
Y Knot (Mornington Peninsula Series)
Running Bare (Multihull Series)

If you would like to follow the action over the weekend, here's the linkto all the regatta details and results.



To make this one of the best Sail Peninsula events, we need as many SBSC keelboats to enter as possible.  The Keelboat and Sail Peninsula sub-committees would really appreciate it if skippers could please get your entries in ASAP to support this club event. To enter please CLICK HERE
Exciting News!
We are thrilled to announce a change in this year's format due to popular demand.  The Friday evening pursuit race will now feature a spinnaker race!  For more details, check out the regatta Notice of Race link HERE
Sail Pen Spinnaker 
We are pleased to advise that the first 40 entries for this years Sail Peninsula regatta will be provided with one of our new promotional Bambak Canvas bags.
Sail Pen Bambak 
Bambak use old sails to manufacture bags like these and other products. Full details can be accessed here:
The sale of the bags goes towards community support projects and provides employment to people in Vanuatu. The name "Bambak" derived from the Vanuatuan language, means "reborn," symbolizing the new life given to discarded sails.
The bags we are promoting are about 30cm x 20cm with the SP25 logo on the front and a Bambak logo on the back, they are lined and have a zip closure at the top and carry handle. They are a very useful item for storage on your boat.
Get your SP25 entry in ASAP to secure your promotional bag.

Cruising News

Discover Docklands

Have you planned your next visit to Docklands? Click HERE To find out all about what's on offer at this wonderful destination.

Junior Sailing 

Learn To Sail Feb   Apr 2025 resized
Junior Sailing starts again on 2nd February and runs until 6th April.
The cost is $120 for members. Please click THIS LINK to register.  
PLUM stacked logo in jpeg 

Save the Dates 2025



Melbourne to Port Fairy (Friday 14 February) 
For 2025, the ORCV’s traditional race to the historic and picturesque port of Port Fairy has been rescheduled to mid-February, taking advantage of more favourable weather conditions and providing a feeder race for yachts planning participate in the 75th Adelaide to Port Lincoln race. 
The 135 mile course runs SW from Queenscliff past the coastal resorts of Torquay, Anglesea, Lorne and Apollo Bay, before rounding Cape Otway and entering the southern ocean. It’s also Valentines Day, so what better what better way to celebrate your one true love – sailing! Enter here: 


If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok


enews banner

 Australia Day Weekend flyer 2025

Off The Beach News

Howdy Cowdies.
Wow, what an interesting week we had weather wise. From torrential rain on Monday to stinking hot for the rest of the week. Super strong winds for the Keelboaters on Friday evening to a ripper day Saturday. Then came Sunday. The morning was calm and a bit overcast but otherwise OK for those early birds out for a bit of pre 420 Nats training. But take a look at our old friend, the rain radar, it certainly told a different story. With a massive rain band and a long storm front full of lightning and other bitey stuff, it was 'hold on the deck until further notice'. He smart ones didn't even unpack their bags, but with a gung-ho RO in 'the Maestro', Rick P and a willing (if not keen) race team of Super D, the Rob's, W and C, Simon the Man and Coast Guard volunteer, Julian N, they did a quick poll of those prepared to sail (six) and had the boats in the water as soon as the lightning cleared. Two Sabres, two 420s an Impulse and a Laser (go Muzz!) left the beach in some drizzley rain
and headed for the course. Luckily the track was very close to the beach and the rain eased off enough to get a slightly delayed start. Fairly light and shifty wind gave us a nice race with only two knuckle heads going the wrong side of the buoys at the finish-Stupidos!
Race two saw the 420s and one Sabre head for home, so now it was three. Rick made the call to start and shortened up the course a bit as the breeze was dying out. The Impulse and Laser had a great battle up and back but then the wind swung 180 degrees which was a precursor to dropping out completely so Rick ran up the old 'abandon all hope' flag and gave us the three hooters. He even towed us back to the beach! What a guy. Although I have it on reliable authority, Rob C,(well maybe not that reliable), that he was going to leave us out there bobbing around all night until Super D gave him a shlappin' and insisted he rescue us. Julian N was on the start boat as well and I'm sorry he had to see that.
All in all, we had one slow race in the rain and one even slower race that had to be abandoned. Was it worth it? Too bloody right it was! And the best part, not one JetSki to be seen!
That's about it for this week. Congrats to Paul F and Craig G for their Third place in the B14 worlds. Brent F and Leigh D 4th and Ewan and Misha C in 14th, noice work. Also a shout to Ross M and Tash for 7th and Mono M and Imogen in 9th at the Tasar Nats, and don't forget the Mighty Bill M in 21st at the Impulse Nats ,WooHoo!
Good luck to all the SBSC 420s (5) heading to Sydney for the Nats this weekend. That's 5 boats in a fleet of 13, awesome!
Cheers for now, Pete Chippy

Aus Day 2025 Music Flyer

Keelboat News

Updated Program (Part 2)

An updated program has now been published on the website (click HERE).  Note we have made a slight change to the program at the end of March/early April, due to timing and on-water resources required for the Adams 10 State Titles.


Friday Pursuit - Series 2, Race 1
Till Brauckmann
Running Bare     
Tim Pepperell  
Mr Bojangles
Linda Wooley
Friday AMS – Series 2, Race 1   
 Fiona Jones
2nd Mr Bojangles Linda Wooley
3rd Maximum Limit Rick Rogers
Full Holiday Series results available HERE
Sunday Summer Series - Race 5
A small fleet took part in Sunday morning's race - maybe some wise skippers read the weather report in their tea leaves!  As they crossed the start line, the sun was out and the beach was starting to swell with CoolCabanas.  But in no time at all it started to turn dark and a thunderstorm cell made its way across the bay.  All boats made it home safely.  Nice to see a visiting boat (casual entry) 'True Colours' from RBYC have a 'W', but well done to Mr Bojangles who placed first on PHS, AMS and ORC.  Thanks to Race Officer David Donaldson and his crew from Renaissance for their tower duty.  And also Di Jackson, Judy Champion and Glenys Hitchen (from Christela) who took care of Friday night's first twilight of Series 2.

This Week's Racing

Friday 17 January 2025
Twilight Pursuit Series 2 - Race 2
Margaret Hollamby Female Helm Series - Race 3
Race Start Time (AEDT): 17:30H Pursuit Start
Race Officer: Mark Lawrence
Assistant:  Dianne Jackson
Set up/Results:   Jann Wilson
Could all boats competing in the female helm series please radio the tower pre-race to confirm your female helm.
Sunday 19 January 2025
Club Championship Series - Race 5
Long Distance Sub-series - Race 2
First Warning Signal: 
09:55H Tower Start
Race Officer:
Lynlee Coutts
Amanda Malin
Set up/Results:  


To make this one of the best Sail Peninsula events, we need as many SBSC keelboats to enter as possible.  The Keelboat and Sail Peninsula sub-committees would really appreciate it if skippers could please get your entries in ASAP to support this club event. To enter please CLICK HERE
Exciting News!
We are thrilled to announce a change in this year's format due to popular demand.  The Friday evening pursuit race will now feature a spinnaker race!  For more details, check out the regatta Notice of Race link HERE
Sail Pen Spinnaker 
We are pleased to advise that the first 40 entries for this years Sail Peninsula regatta will be provided with one of our new promotional Bambak Canvas bags.
Sail Pen Bambak 
Bambak use old sails to manufacture bags like these and other products. Full details can be accessed here:
The sale of the bags goes towards community support projects and provides employment to people in Vanuatu. The name "Bambak" derived from the Vanuatuan language, means "reborn," symbolizing the new life given to discarded sails.
The bags we are promoting are about 30cm x 20cm with the SP25 logo on the front and a Bambak logo on the back, they are lined and have a zip closure at the top and carry handle. They are a very useful item for storage on your boat.
Get your SP25 entry in ASAP to secure your promotional bag.

Cruising News

Discover Docklands

Have you planned your next visit to Docklands? Click HERE To find out all about what's on offer at this wonderful destination.

Junior Sailing 

Learn To Sail Feb   Apr 2025 resized
Junior Sailing starts again on 2nd February and runs until 6th April.
The cost is $120 for members. Please click THIS LINK to register.  
PLUM stacked logo in jpeg 

Save the Dates 2025



Melbourne to Port Fairy (Friday 14 February) 
For 2025, the ORCV’s traditional race to the historic and picturesque port of Port Fairy has been rescheduled to mid-February, taking advantage of more favourable weather conditions and providing a feeder race for yachts planning participate in the 75th Adelaide to Port Lincoln race. 
The 135 mile course runs SW from Queenscliff past the coastal resorts of Torquay, Anglesea, Lorne and Apollo Bay, before rounding Cape Otway and entering the southern ocean. It’s also Valentines Day, so what better what better way to celebrate your one true love – sailing! Enter here: 


If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok


enews banner

Welcome Back

The Executive Committee would like to welcome you all back to regular sailing schedules after our Christmas Holidays. Whether you were participating in regatta's locally or interstate, we hope you have all had a great break and spent quality time with loved ones. The committee have not stopped during the break and have much to tell in the coming weeks. Our next meeting on being held on Tuesday 4th February. If you have anything you wish to notify the committee on, please don't hesitate to email our secretary Veronica on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Committee2024 
The Executive Committee 2024/2025
L-R Duncan McColl (Treasurer), John Di Martino (Membership Secretary), Tim Bardon (Rear Commodore), Tony Christmas (Commodore), John Wemyss (Vice Commodore), Neil Whitaker (IT), Veronica Psaila (Secretary), Fiona Lowe (Training & Social Media), Bill Manning (Sailing Committee), Absent John Bacon, James Anderson.

Fee's and Yard Storage 

A reminder for those members that have not yet paid this year’s membership fees that they are now well overdue. If you haven’t paid please do so immediately or run the risk of being excluded from sailing and results in the coming weeks. If you are wondering if this might be you please check your email as statements were sent out on New Year’s Day or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to enquire

Off The Beach News

Howdy Gang and Happy New Year to all our members new and old.
Firstly, a brief recap on the last day's sailing on December 22nd, all the way back in 2024 can you believe it! It was a great start to the day for round four of the Community Bank Dromana Club Championship series, with sunshine and wind- plenty of wind, enough to put the wind up some of our more timid sailors in fact. With the weather dog blowing horizontally on his lead and the waves crashing onto the shore, it wasn't for the faint hearted. The forecast said it was supposed to build as well but, the weather apps were showing a mere 10 knots at South Channel; that couldn't be right, let's get out there before Geoff pulls the pin!
From the beach we could see the race team getting organised, so 18 or so boats hit the water with plenty of time to sail out. Or so we thought. No sooner had we left the sand than the wind dropped out to almost nothing, to the point where a third of the fleet missed the start altogether! Oh well, can't say we weren't warned. Those that did make it were faced with a long upwind leg with lots of shifts. The breeze came back a bit so we kept moving, although we didn't have the screaming reaches of the week before. Race one over, a quick change to a sausage course for race two ( damn those catamarans !), and we were off again, this time with a full contingent. Well, we had a full contingent for about 10 seconds until Bill M dropped his mast overboard again! That's two weeks in a row Bill, this time from a loose shackle pin. It's a timely reminder to check all those shackles, especially the ones that don't get undone at the end of the day. One of mine fell off as I was lifting my mast the other week, half a thread more and I would have been on the water when it came out. 
Race two was pretty similar to race one with the exception of new member, James Thorne in his Sabre(yay!). James missed the first race, then proceeded to clean us all up easily in the second. Watch out for this guy, I think he knows what he's doing! 
Also on the water having a bit of fun in one of the Club Quests was Jamieson F and his mate James. They had wanted to take the boat out on their own, but with the wind honking like it was and James never having been in a yacht, senior members ruled it unwise. The boys were OK with this although rightly disappointed, until another James, Anderson this time, offered to go out with them. A perfect outcome. As it was, when the wind dropped out they would have been fine on their own, but safety always comes first.
Thanks to Geoff and Super D on Start, Mono M and Julian N in Sutherland and a special thanks to John Wemyss (like dreams)who put up his hand to ma a Rhib with first timers Mika and Ben so that Zac L and Finn M could some practice in before their 420 titles. Apparently Mika and Ben had a great time and are keen to do it again, beaudy !
That's all for that week, now a quick look around the traps at some of our SBSC sailors at the various regattas going on. Some of these are still in progress so keep an eye out on the socials.
First up, the B14s at Woollara SC, Sydney.  As usual, Craig G and Paul F took out first place with Brent F and Leigh D in second (not always in that order). Also of note was Ewan and Misha C taking out 13th spot. Currently the B14 worlds are on and Craig/Paul are sitting in 1st, Brent/Leigh 4th and Ewan/Misha 19th. That's pretty awesome dudes!
Over in the West at Mandurah, we have the Martins, Ross and Tash currently in 6th place and Mono and Imogen not far behind in 9th. Good luck guys and gals.
Up North at Darling Point QLD we have the mighty Bill Manning, mast intact, doing us proud at the Impulse Nats, sitting in 20th place with a bullet. Go Bill! I know there is a lot more classes to come so stay tuned and give me any info you can.
That's all for now, see you on the water at SBSC this Sunday for round one of the Foundation Series, 13.57 first warning. The weather will be perfect of course!
Cheers, Pete Chippy
Ross TashMonoMono 1


Whilst we are experiencing a large number of tourists visiting our beach, we would like to remind all OTB members that we have purchased oranges witches hats to help "claim our beach", so we are not overrun with cabana's! These cones are kept in the spar locker and it would be appreciated if the first members to the yard on a Sunday, lay them out at the bottom of the ramp to secure access to the beach.  
Cones on beach

Holiday Opening Hrs 2024

Keelboat News

Shark Bay Holiday Series Overall Results

Division 1    
1st PHS
Peter Jones
1st AMS
Fiona Jones   
1st ORC
Fiona Jones
Division 2    
 1st PHS
 Just Cruisin' 
 Neil Whitaker 
Full Holiday Series results available HERE  

'Race to the Middle' Report by Dianne Jackson (RO)

Great to see 13 boats out on a fine and sunny Friday for our annual Race to the Middle.  The only issue was the light winds that were forecast.  The start looked awesome from the tower.  Chris and his trusty drone captured some great shots of the busy start and rounding at the yellow pile. 
From all the reports it was quite a challenging sail, with many sail changes happening and a number of patches of light wind resulting in a compression of the fleet, which meant for a close finish especially considering the length of the course.
It was quite a sight to see the large number of spectators boats and crowds lining the shores to watch the finish of the race.  After over 4 hours of sailing, line honours was incredibly close, with Vincitore pipping Vamonos to the finish line by less than 30secs.  They were closely followed by 2Xtreme and the rest of Division 1 were not far behind, with all Div 1 boats completing the course by just after 14:30. 
Despite the light winds all our Div 2 boats managed to complete the course, with Just Cruisin' leading the way from Cirrus and all boats finishing well inside the 16:00H cut off time.
Well done to all the participated.
 Drone KB

Petersville Regatta

Over 50 yachts and 450 sailors participated in this 4 day regatta with winds from 15-28 knots on Day 1 and 2.  The long 23-mile race to Mount Martha saw many yachts rounding up under spinnaker due to strong gusty winds and white caps on the bay.  And quite the contrary to Monday, with the final race abandoned due to no wind.  SBSC were well represented in both the Cock of the Bay and Petersville Regatta.  The Adams-10 'Rawhide' skippered by Cameron Barwick had great success, coming 1st on ORC and AMS in Division 2 Cruising (Spin).  And 'hats off' to Fiona and Nick Jones on 'Vamonos' who raced their Adams 10 double-handed in the same Division with some great individual race results.

This Week's Racing

Friday 10 January 2025
Twilight Pursuit Series 2 - Race 1
Race Start Time (AEDT): 17:30H Pursuit Start
Race Officer: Dianne Jackson
Duty Boat:   Christela
Set up/Results:   Judy Champion
Sunday 12 January 2025
Sunday Summer Series - Race 5
First Warning Signal:  09:55H Tower Start
Race Officer: David Donaldson
Duty Boat:   Renaissance
Set up/Results:   Jann Wilson
SBSC Keelboat owners and crew, the entry portal for Sail Peninsula 2025 is open for applications to take part in next year’s event which is being held over the weekend of the 21st to 23rd February.
The Sail Peninsula committee is working hard to make this event one of the best ever and hopes to showcase our club, our waters, our expertise and our club’s fabulous social comradeship and friendship.
To make this one of the best Sail Peninsula events, we need as many SBSC keelboats to enter as possible. It doesn’t matter if you think you are at the pointy end, the middle, or the back of the field. We want and encourage you to enter and support and be part of the club and this event.
To enter please CLICK HERE
Note costs of entry have remained the same as last year’s event.

Cruising News

Discover Docklands

Have you planned your next visit to Docklands? Click HERE To find out all about what's on offer at this wonderful destination.

Junior Sailing 

Learn To Sail Feb   Apr 2025 resized
Junior Sailing starts again on 2nd February and runs until 6th April.
The cost is $120 for members. Please click THIS LINK to register.  
PLUM stacked logo in jpeg 


Melbourne to Port Fairy (Friday 14 February) 
For 2025, the ORCV’s traditional race to the historic and picturesque port of Port Fairy has been rescheduled to mid-February, taking advantage of more favourable weather conditions and providing a feeder race for yachts planning participate in the 75th Adelaide to Port Lincoln race. 
The 135 mile course runs SW from Queenscliff past the coastal resorts of Torquay, Anglesea, Lorne and Apollo Bay, before rounding Cape Otway and entering the southern ocean. It’s also Valentines Day, so what better what better way to celebrate your one true love – sailing! Enter here: 
Save the Dates  Jan feb 25SBSC ROCK n ROLL NIGHT FLYER 
Thank You
If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok


enews banner

Photo Of The Week

Thanks Melissa Kelly for this awesome photo of the fleet of boats chasing down 11:11
Inspire Marine Friday Twilight Race 10 on 13/12/24

11 11 fleet chase

Off The Beach News

Ho Ho Ho gang,
what a great day we had on Sunday. As promised (finally), we had near perfect weather for our early start. It actually was perfect for the junior sail training at last. When I got to the club around 9.00, the yard was a hive of activity with kids, parents, boats and trainers everywhere. All the senior sailors had been relegated to the further area of grass. But before long the grass was clear as they were all in the water belting around like they were born to it. Great job guys to keep them so obviously enthused after many weeks of crappy weather.
The last race of the Red Dolphin series was an early start due to the famous SBSC Xmas bunscruff in the afternoon and I think it caught a few unawares, but spare a thought for the race team who, as well as getting our race organised, also had an on water start for the Keelboats to run. Thanks RO Stu S, Asst RO super D, the two Rob's, C and W, Erik M and Simon H in the RHIBs.  They all did a cracking job setting the marks for a sausage course ( darn cat sailors ) for the first race and got us away in a massed start with light to medium wind. There were plenty of shifts to work and gains to be made, and lost as I found out at the last second as that cunning bugger, Rick P snuck past me right on the line. He said he was almost going to hold off and give me the win. I'm glad he didn't, as the lesson learned was more valuable, and besides, in the words of the great W.C.Fields, "You should never give a sucker an even break". 
As we waited for the tail enders to finish in the easing wind, (no-one was complaining about sailing around in those glorious conditions), the RHIB crews were moving the top marks in shorter to ensure a result. A super quick turnaround and we were off again, but as lap one was stretching out, it became obvious that we weren't going to get the whole race done before sunset, so Stu did the wise thing and shortened the course. Two races done and back to the beach. Some shameful people accepted a tow back, but why would you miss eking out every bit of such a ripper day?
It was great to see the Sharpie back on the water and Mark the markman L even had the Pussy Power zooming along. All up, we had 15 boats join the races. Not bad as some people have already cleared out for the holidays, luck buggers. 
Next week we are back to our normal 2.00 start for round four of the Community Bank Southern Peninsula Club Championship series. Here's your chance to pick up some places on those that choose other activities that day- too close to Christmas? Piffle! Even break, sucker, you get the picture.
Back on land, and upstairs for the festivities. Food and drinks on the best deck of any of the Sailing Clubs around, live music and a visit from Santa and that ageless Elf of his, why would you be anywhere else? I hope someone got a picture in the morning of the juniors in the foreground with the OTB fleet mid way and the Keelboats coming home. That really would be one for the poolroom.
That's about it from me this week, but just a reminder; before you go running off to the chandlery to buy new chain plates because you think someone has 'borrowed' yours, have a closer look to make sure you've picked up the right mast- classic!
Cheers, Pete Chippy

Holiday Opening Hrs 2024

Keelboat News

Summer Program - Part 2

Part 2 of the program has now been published on the website. CLICK HERE to view. Please check your duty date(s) and mark it in the diary.


Friday Pursuit - Race 10



Till Brauckmann



Peter Morrison



Bernie O'Hanlon

Friday Pursuit - Overall Series 1



Cameron Barwick



Peter Morrison



Till Brauckmann

Friday AMS – Race 10


Maximum Limit

Rick Rogers           



Fiona Jones



Andrew McGrath

Friday AMS – Overall Series 1


Maximum Limit

Rick Rogers          



Fiona Jones



Andrew Clark

Margaret Hollamby Female Helm - Race 2



Fiona Jones


Mr Bojangles

Andrea Catling



Meaghan Densley

Full weekend results available HERE
Another big twilight on the water with 28 starters in the final race of Series 1 and the 2nd race of the Female Helm Series.  Thanks to Mark Bulka (RO) and his 'Balance' crew, along with Amanda Malin for their race control in the tower.
Sunday Club Championship Series - Race 4
Great to see 13 boats competing on a beautiful Sunday morning in the fourth race of the Club Championship Series.  A morning start to ensure everyone was back for the club Christmas Party.  This week it was 'Vamonos' who took out a clean sweep on the water - 1st on PHS, AMS and ORC.  Another big thank you to Till Brauckmann (RO) and the 'Happy Days' crew for their tower duty.

This Week's Racing

Friday 20 December 2024
Fun Twilight Pursuit Race (with optional spinnaker)
Race Start Time (AEDT): 17:30H Pursuit Start
Race Officer:  Amanda Malin
Duty Boat:  Layla Rose
Set up/Results:  Amanda
Please note: All boats will be automatically entered in the Fun Twilight Race, so no need to do a SailSys entry (if you haven't already). If you decide to use spinnaker on the night, please ensure you advise the tower (via VHF radio) prior to the race and add a 3-minute penalty to your published start-time.
Sunday 22 December 2024
Shark Bay Holiday Series - Race 1
First Warning Signal: 09:55H Tower Start
Race Officer:  Rick Rogers
Duty Boat:  Maximum Limit
Set up/Results: Dianne Jackson
Shark Bay Holiday Series
The Shark Bay Holiday Series starts THIS SUNDAY and runs over the holiday period (see dates below).  Please ENTER NOW and join in the fun - even if it's only for one or two races.
All Race Start Times: 09:55 First Warning Signal (Tower Starts)
Race 1:  Sunday 22 December
Race 2:  Friday 27 December
Race 3:  Monday 30 December
Race 4:  Friday 3 January 'Race to the Middle'
Race 5:  Sunday 5 January
Other Holiday Racing
There's plenty of other racing action happening around the bay over the holiday season.  Best of luck to all the following SBSC skippers and crew competitors:
ORCV Cock of the Bay:
Petersville Regatta at BYS:
Organised Chaos
Adams 10 State Titles
SBSC has recently agreed to host the Adams 10 State Titles on the weekend of 29-30 March 2025.  Part 2 of the SBSC Summer Program has been updated to include this event.  Please note that the Club Championship race times and details on Sunday 30 March are unchanged.
SBSC Keelboat owners and crew, the entry portal for Sail Peninsula 2025 is now open for applications to take part in next year’s event which is being held over the weekend of the 21st to 23rd February.
The Sail Peninsula committee is working hard to make next year’s event one of the best ever and hopes to showcase our club, our waters, our expertise and our club’s fabulous social comradeship and friendship.
To make this one of the best Sail Peninsula events, we need as many SBSC keelboats to enter as possible. It doesn’t matter if you think you are at the pointy end, the middle, or the back of the field. We want and encourage you to enter and support and be part of the club and this event.
To enter please CLICK HERE
Note costs of entry have remained the same as last year’s event.

Bendigo term deposit 

Are you planning a short - or longer-term investment?
A Bendigo Bank term deposit may be just what you need to get the most from your money. Talk to the team at one of our three branches, Rye, Rosebud, or Dromana, and watch your money grow at ​​​​​​​​Bendigo Bank 
Community Bank Southern Peninsula
Rye | Rosebud I Dromana

Jetski Petition 

It doesn't take much to notice that our local beaches are becoming quite hazardous for many users, as we see a rise in popularity of personal water crafts (jetskis). As always the minority of unlawful users are spoiling it for others. After many dangerous accidents over the last few summers, a local Rye resident Robert Stanley contacted the local member Sam Groth to seek advice on how to better control the dangerous behavior and return our waters to a safe and fun place. From this, a petition has been drawn up for anyone interested in contributing to possible legislative change. To sign the petition please CLICK HERE. This has not been organised or endorsed by the club, however it is everyone's right to enjoy the waters safely. 

Australian Sailing Calendar Of Events

December 2024 to January 2025

Around Victoria Victoria is home to many events this summer - 
Thu 26 Dec
Cock of Bay
Where Ocean Racing Club Victoria
Fri 27 Dec
Melbourne to Hobart Westcoaster
Where Ocean Racing Club Victoria
Fri 27 Dec- Mon 30 Dec
Petersville Regatta
Where Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron
Sat 28 Dec- Fri 3 Jan
Hartley TS16 National Championship
Where Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club
Wed 1 Jan- Mon 6 Jan
Flying 15 National Championship
Where Davey's Bay Yacht Club
Fri 3 Jan- Sun 5 Jan
Etchells pre-Worlds
Where Royal Brighton Yacht Club
Sat 4 Jan- Fri 10 Jan
64th Heron National Championship
Where St Leonards Yacht Club & Motor Squadron
Fri 10 Jan- Tue 14 Jan
Etchells World Championship
Where Royal Brighton Yacht Club
Sat 18 Jan- Wed 22 Jan
Mirror National Championship
Where Albury Wodonga Yacht Club
Thu 23 Jan- Sun 26 Jan
F18 National Championship
Where Frankston Yacht Club
Fri 24 Jan- Sun 26 Jan
2.4m National Championship
Where Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club
Sat 25 Jan- Mon 27 Jan
Festival of Sails
Where Royal Geelong Yacht Club


Ronstan Cock of the Bay (Thursday 26 December) 
What better way to spend your Boxing Day than competing in one of the most iconic events on the Australian sailing calendar! The traditional course of approx 21nm starts near Station Pier in Port Melbourne and is designed to sail past major bayside locations for sailors and spectators alike to view. Some say there is no better way to work off the excesses of Christmas the day before! Enter here: 
Melbourne to Hobart ‘Westcoaster’ (Friday 27 December) 
The  ORCV ‘Westcoaster’ is a legendary yacht race where tactics and sailing well can crown you as the race champion, regardless of boat size. Across the 435nm passage, yachts contend first with Bass Strait before taking on the wilderness and ruggedness of the West Coast of Tasmania and the long ocean swell of the Southern Ocean before turning towards the finish line and the shifting winds of the Derwent. For more than 50 years, the Westcoaster has provided sailors with a unique race full of tactical challenges. Early-bird entries close on 10 November! Enter here:  
Melbourne to Port Fairy (Friday 14 February) 
For 2025, the ORCV’s traditional race to the historic and picturesque port of Port Fairy has been rescheduled to mid-February, taking advantage of more favourable weather conditions and providing a feeder race for yachts planning participate in the 75th Adelaide to Port Lincoln race. 
The 135 mile course runs SW from Queenscliff past the coastal resorts of Torquay, Anglesea, Lorne and Apollo Bay, before rounding Cape Otway and entering the southern ocean. It’s also Valentines Day, so what better what better way to celebrate your one true love – sailing! Enter here: 

Photo Gallery

December 13th - 15th

Inspire Marine Friday Twilight Race 10 on 13/12/24 from Lori Wilson

Inspire 1Inspire 2Inspire 3Inspire 4Inspire 5Inspire 7Inspire 8Inspire 9Inspire 10

Sunday 15th mix of Juniors and Keelboats from Melissa Kelly
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Junior Sail Training 15th December from Jess Greg & Fiona Lowe
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Community Bank Southern Peninsula Championship Race 4 on 15/12/24 from Lori Wilson
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Save the Dates  Jan feb 25SBSC ROCK n ROLL NIGHT FLYER 
If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok


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