Committee News
Please meet our Executive Committee Members for 2024/2025
L-R: Duncan McColl - Treasurer, John Di Martino - Memberships, Tim Bardon - Rear Commodore, Tony Christmas - Commodore, John Wemyss - Vice Commodore, Neil Whitaker - IT, Veronica Psaila - Secretary, Fiona Lowe - Sail Training, Bill Manning - OTB Sailing (Absent John Bacon - House & Keelboats)
If you would like to get in touch with any of our exec members, please do so by emailing them via the secretary This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or directly to:
Patrol Boat News
The new season is almost upon us, so I thought it timely to give a quick update re all things Power Boats.
Please remember if you haven’t already done so, to get in touch with Chippa re rostering for crews. Even if you know when you CAN’T do duty helps him find who can!!
Boats are almost ready. Both red RHIB’s are back in shed and will be run Friday after servicing to make sure all is good. Friday, I plan to double check all safety gear and lifejackets are being serviced as we speak.
Start has had some work done to it based on a list form Geoff and Deidre. Mostly aesthetic items but important nonetheless and we can report all has been addressed, sorry for the delay D & G, thanks Pete and Tim for helping with the list.
Blue RHIB should also be serviced and good to go by this weeks end.
NOTE: This year we are putting in place some really important safety measures to ensure we are both compliant with all relevant laws but equally to have a record system in place in the event of an incident.
The first ( and most basic) thing we are doing is setting up a Marine License Register. Essentially what that means is the club will have a central record of Marine License numbers and expiry date or all volunteers driving ANY club vessel. We are working how to best make it available through the club Share Drive, watch this space. For now, dig out your license please so it’s top of mind, or send details to me and I can complete the sheet if you wish.
That’s about it for now.
Rob C
Off The Beach News
Thank you for your response with duty roster. The 24/25 sailing program for you peruse HERE
Cheers for now, Pete Chippy SBSC OTB Captain
Your Bot Mark Needs You!
As you may know the club purchased a bot mark last year. It is no longer required for keelboat racing and is available for us to use in OTB races. This is an exciting opportunity to improve our OTB races with accurate courses and quicker turnaround times between races. Check it out Here
We need to form a group of four volunteers who can help run and manage the Bot. If you can help please contact:
Tim Bardon
0426 581 747
Yard & Spar
Yardmaster duties are now being taken care of by Murray McNeill. Any enquiries on yard matters need to be sent to Murray at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . With only a few weeks to go before the start of the season, the spar locker needs to be sorted out. There are quite a few things in the shed that are taking up space and need to be returned to their owner. If you have forgotten to take your mast, sails or foils home from 4 years ago, now is the time to come and collect them. The alternative plan is not something we wish to use! Please contact Murray if you need access to your belongings before our working be on 6th October.
Working Bee
Save the date 6th October
Keelboat News
2024-25 Summer Program
The start of the 2024-25 Sailing Season is just around the corner and Part 1 of the program and roster is now available on the website. Click HERE
It is looking like a great sailing season ahead and we are looking forward to seeing plenty of yachts out for Tony’s Trophy Race on the 11th of October and the Season Opening on Sunday the 13th of October.
Please make a note in your calendar if you (or your boat) have been rostered on for tower duty in Part 1 of the program. If you can't see your name, you will feature in the second half of the season, published later in year.

Are you planning a short - or longer-term investment?
A Bendigo Bank term deposit may be just what you need to get the most from your money. Talk to the team at one of our three branches, Rye, Rosebud, or Dromana, and watch your money grow at Bendigo Bank
A Bendigo Bank term deposit may be just what you need to get the most from your money. Talk to the team at one of our three branches, Rye, Rosebud, or Dromana, and watch your money grow at Bendigo Bank
Bendigo Bank
Community Bank Southern Peninsula
Rye | Rosebud I Dromana
Community Bank Southern Peninsula
Rye | Rosebud I Dromana
Melbourne to Devonport ‘Rudder Cup’ (Friday 1 November)
What better way to spend your Melbourne Cup long weekend than competing in one of the most iconic events on the Australian sailing calendar! The Melbourne to Devonport ‘Rudder Cup’ is the oldest ocean race in Australia but features a youthful spirit and energy amongst competing crew, on full display during a warm reception hosted by Mersey Yacht Club. This race is also a qualifying event for the upcoming Melbourne to Hobart ‘Westcoaster’. Entries are now open!
Melbourne to Hobart ‘Westcoaster’ (Friday 27 December)
The ORCV ‘Westcoaster’ is a legendary yacht race where tactics and sailing well can crown you as the race champion, regardless of boat size. Across the 435nm passage, yachts contend first with Bass Strait before taking on the wilderness and ruggedness of the West Coast of Tasmania and the long ocean swell of the Southern Ocean before turning towards the finish line and the shifting winds of the Derwent. For more than 50 years, the Westcoaster has provided sailors with a unique race full of tactical challenges. Entries are now open!
If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok