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What's On

 nov happenings 2023

Off The Beach

Howdy OTB gang.
Well the Goldilocks principle worked out for us finally! With a perfect sunny day, offshore wind at around 10 knots and beautiful flat water, Sunday really was one out of the box. Even with a few boats missing  due to Sail Country about 21 boats hit the water for a delayed start to the Red Dolphin series. With the first two weeks written off due to too much/not enough wind it was good to finally get some scores on the board. The dead flat water made it seem like we were going slower than we were and I’m sure Dave B thought I was going even slower as I cut him off at the top mark. In my defense, I was told early in my sailing career “Don’t try to get out of the way of an A class, they’ll just treat you like a fixed mark”. True enough, Dave zipped around the back and roared past on his way to lapping me again!
The water might have been flat but the breeze wasn’t, and the frequent shifts made for some good tactical battles and it certainly wasn’t a soldiers course by any means. Going left or right off the start was only a good move if you kept an eye out for those shifts and too much delay making up your mind could cost you big time! It was great to see Grace Lazzar back sailing, going solo in her Laser radial. She was so quick that she even left Gingerbread Bill behind. Murray M had decided early to follow Bill as that was probably the fastest track, but cunning is as cunning does, and he soon wised up and ditched Bill to chase after Grace.
In a fine example of not many of us reading the instructions (who needs ‘em), the Laser bods were asking the rest of us before the first race, “ What Division are we in?” To which we replied  “Div 2 with us Sabres”.Well that meant a big fat No Score for them for race one as they were supposed to be in Div 3 with the 420’s. Sorry guys, only Paul M was trying to tell them the truth.
For future reference, all the division yardsticks are on the wall above the sign in desk, right next to the course diagrams, those other things that we don’t take the time to check before leaving the beach! Race two had the Lasers in the correct div and it showed that they were evenly matched with the 420’s. It was just the extra lap that had a couple of them complaining of sore bums at the end of the day! All in all it was a beautiful day to be on the water, even waiting between races was a joy.
Once we were all back safely on the beach it was time for the second act and we were treated to watching Rick Rogers From The 24th and a half Century taking out his Wazp and zipping (its the only way to describe it) along up on foils next to his mate on a foiling kite boardy thing, apparently called a wing foil, a bit obvious really. Rick is training for the Wazp Worlds in January after not sailing OTB for many years and never sailing a foiling boat- ever! Good luck Rick, I’m sure you’ll end up on the podium doing a shoey.
Many thanks to the race team this week of Geoff and Deidrie in start, especially as it was Big D’s Birthday. We also had Ciaran Snooks in Woodsy with John Matheson, one of our Keelboat compadres and Sutherland was ably crewed by Imogen Martin and Jamieson Ferguson with the invaluable assistance of another keelboater, John Wemyss who stepped up at the very last second to lend some experience and pass on some knowledge to these two willing youngsters.
That’s all for now folks and we’ll see you all next week for another perfect day. That’s assuming you didn’t do all your dough on the Melbourne Cup and had to sell your boat!
Cheers, Pete Chippy
Rick in action on his Wazp on 27th October

Keelboat News


Friday Twilight Pursuit Race 5 

 1st – Friday Twilight Pursuit  Cirrus Tim Bardon
 1st – Friday AMS  2Xtreme  Andrew Clark

Sunday Summer Series Race 2

 1st – Div 1  Lumiere Ian Pearse
 1st – Div 2 Cirrus Tim Bardon

Thank you to everyone who assisted in the tower Friday night and Sunday – Andrew Stocks, Mal Winder, Dianne Jackson, and duty boats Fransiska and Rells.  For full results please click HERE

This Week's Races

Friday 10th November:

Twilight Pursuit Series 1 -  Race 6
First Warning Signal: 17:25H Pursuit Start  
  Race Officer:   Dianne Jackson
  Duty Boat:   Shimmer
  Tower Set Up & Results:   Dianne

Sunday 12th November:

Club Championship Series – Race 2 
First Warning Signal: 12.55H  Boat Start            
  Race Officer:   Judy Champion     
  Tower Assistant:   Dawn Clark
  Results and Set Up Judy

Festival of Sails

For all boats planning to head to Geelong for the FOS 2024 please get on board with the Passage Race from Mornington YC. 
This is part of the Festival of Sails Entry and sounds like a great fun way to get your boat and crew to Geelong.  To enter CLICK Here and select the ‘Mornington Peninsula Series’
fos 23

Rudder Cup

Congratulations Patriot!  Here is the ORCV’s article on the race and full results

Petersville Regatta

Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron is pleased to announce entries are open for the 2023 Petersville Regatta, December 27-30 sailed in the pristine waters off Blairgowrie and surrounds. Join us for four days of fun, on and off the water.
Free marina berthing for the event with option to stay on.
Limited to 39 visiting boats and filling fast.
NoR, entries and more info at or call Race Director Phil Beattie on 0408 502 698
petersville 2023


orcv coastal sprintorcv survivalorcv westcoaster


Club Merchandise

Get you order in now to ensure that you are decked out in the latest Club Merchandise for he start of the 2023-2024 season Contact Marg Fleming on her email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your options. The youth t-shirts (with names on them) will have another order put in soon, so if you missed out on first round orders, please contact Marg to make sure you get one in the next batch, which will be processed by end of March. These t-shirts have been a hit with the juniors and will be great to wear to regatta's etc. 

club merchanise

Photo Of The Week

Sunset and clouds as the fleet return to shore. Photo Lori Wilson 
potw 8 nov


If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok

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New Members

The Executive Committee and members would like to welcome the following new members to Safety Beach SC. We look forward to meeting you at the club or on the water in the very near future.

  • Peter Kelly

What's On

 nov happenings 2023

3 nov mietta

Off The Beach

Hi OTB gang.
Not a lot to report on again this week unfortunately, owing to another bust on the water. The weather report leading into the weekend was very promising, with 5-10 knots predicted for the morning and a bit more for the arvo. But alas, as so often happens, Hughey had other plans. As it was a Club Championship race for the Keelboats with an on water start, the poor old race team had a very early start. But unfortunately it was a case of ‘ hurry up and wait’ as the wind fizzled out completely. Many thanks to Geoff, Bill M, Stuey S, Dave B, Glen W and the welcome return of Super Deirdre, back from swanning around the Mediterranean. It was a tough ask but even the extra serve of baked beans that Bill shoveled down wasn’t enough to get a race started. So with a heavy heart, Geoff pulled the pin and headed for home.
From up on the deck we could see that tempting little wind line moving ever closer to the shore, so a few intrepid souls headed out to brave what we were sure was a southerly buster heading our way (we live in hope). But after getting stuck in the doldrums near the mussel farm, when a slight zephyr did spring up we bee lined it for the beach to avoid a potentially long paddle. Hey, we might be silly but we’re not stupid!
Hopefully this week will see the culmination of the Goldilocks principle; too much wind, not enough wind, just right! This week should also see the unveiling of the Safety Beach ‘Blue Period’ with the launch of our new-ish blue rhib coaching boat and our brand new blue finish mark. For those that don’t know, the rhib was purchased to use for junior and senior coaching as the small white rhib was too small and slow getting to all the yachts spread over the course as well as being a bit dangerous in heavy seas. The blue finish mark will be set up on the opposite side of the start boat to the yellow start mark. This will make it easier for the scorers to see who is actually finishing and not just sailing back through the line on their next lap. For easy reference, Geoff has posted all the courses on the website as well as a paper copy above the sign in desk - simples.
Last but by no means least- by a long shot- congratulations goes out to Katie Potter, Rick and Audrey’s daughter and past sailor at Safety Beach, who has just become the new World Champion in Kiteboarding in Brazil ( they apparently have wind there )!
Okay, that’s enough for now. Hopefully I’ll have some actual sailing news to write about next week.
Cheers, Pete Chippy

Mr. Percival

Many of us were entertained by a curious pelican on Sunday, but Mr. Percival was actually struggling with life. With the assistance of Fiona Lowe, some kind locals caught him and sent him off to a wildlife carer for assessment. Lets all just assume that no news is good news.

Keelboat News


Friday Twilight Pursuit Race 4 

 1st – Friday Twilight Pursuit  Just Cruisin'  Neil Whitaker
 1st – Friday AMS  Unprecedented  Andrew McGrath
Great to see so many yachts out on the water Friday night.  Thanks to the tower crew who were kept busy – Ross Martin (RO), duty boat Marrakesh and Dianne Jackson.  For full results please click HERE

Race 2 of Sunday’s Summer Series was cancelled

Unfortunately the Club Championship Race on Sunday (Race 2) was cancelled due to the lack of wind.
14 yachts patiently waited on water for a start.  A big thank you to Geoff and Deirdre (in the start boat) and Rick Rogers (Tower RO) for their time.  It was a perfect autumn afternoon to float around out there, and great to see a couple of boats use the time wisely to complete their MOB on-water drill.

This Week's Races

Friday 3rd November:

Twilight Pursuit Series 1 -  Race 5
First Warning Signal: 17:25H Pursuit Start  
  Race Officer:   Andrew Stocks 
  Duty Boat:   Fransiska
  Tower Set Up & Results:   Dianne

Sunday 5th November:

Sunday Summer Series – Race 1 
First Warning Signal: 09.55H  Tower Start            
  Race Officer:   Mal Winder           
  Tower Assist:   Rells
  Results and Set Up Mal & Dianne

Cruising News 

A shout out to the SBSC ‘cruisers’ (Whiskers, Summer Lovin, Lunasea and Summer Breeze) who are sailing up to the city this weekend, berthing at the Yarra Edge Marina, Docklands.  Hope you have a great time.  If anyone is interested in joining them, you can still contact Terry Jones on 0408 336 626.

Festival of Sails

For all boats planning to head to Geelong for the FOS 2024 please get on board with the Passage Race from Mornington YC. 
This is part of the Festival of Sails Entry and sounds like a great fun way to get your boat and crew to Geelong.  To enter CLICK Here and select the ‘Mornington Peninsula Series’
fos 23

Rudder Cup

This year, the Melbourne to Devonport, The Rudder Cup, will be held over the “Melbourne Cup” long weekend.  The race will start off at Queenscliff at 18:00H this Friday the 3rd November.

The Rudder Cup is Australia's oldest ocean race and the 5th oldest organised ocean yacht race in the world, predating the Fastnet by nearly 20 years and the Sydney to Hobart race by almost four decades.  The inaugural race was run from Port Phillip Heads to Low Head at the mouth of the Tamar River, a distance of 198 nautical miles.  This first race was won by the 14.6m yawl Thistle skippered by Edgar Newland, with a crew that included his wife and daughter.  Conditions were reported to be very rough, so much so that Mrs Newland refused to relinquish the Rudder Cup to dissuade other sailors from attempting such a dangerous race.  The race continued using alternative trophies, including the Doc Bennell Perpetual Trophy, funded by the Royal St Kilda Yacht Club.

In 1968, the original Rudder Cup trophy again came to light and was presented to the Cruising Yacht Club of Victoria, now known as the ORCV, by Edgar Newland’s son.  The Rudder Cup Perpetual Trophy is awarded to the measurement handicap winner of the race across Bass Strait to Northern Tasmania – typically Devonport or Low Head at the mouth of the Tamar River.

This year we have a number of our local boats and crews tackling this 195NM race across Bass Strait.  We wish Patriot, Shimmer, Ginan and Joker x 2 a safe and speedy passage.  To follow their progress the link to the tracker is at

rudder cup

Petersville Regatta

Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron is pleased to announce entries are open for the 2023 Petersville Regatta, December 27-30 sailed in the pristine waters off Blairgowrie and surrounds. Join us for four days of fun, on and off the water.
Free marina berthing for the event with option to stay on.
Limited to 39 visiting boats and filling fast.
NoR, entries and more info at or call Race Director Phil Beattie on 0408 502 698
petersville 2023


orcv coastal sprintorcv rudderorcv survivalorcv westcoaster


Club Merchandise

Get you order in now to ensure that you are decked out in the latest Club Merchandise for he start of the 2023-2024 season Contact Marg Fleming on her email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your options. The youth t-shirts (with names on them) will have another order put in soon, so if you missed out on first round orders, please contact Marg to make sure you get one in the next batch, which will be processed by end of March. These t-shirts have been a hit with the juniors and will be great to wear to regatta's etc. 

club merchanise

Photo Of The Week

Katie Potter (Rick Potter's daughter) competed in international events in Sicily, the USA, and in Brazil last week.
This is the first time she has won the Kite Park Keagie world title, and we are very proud of her.
katie 1katie 2


If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok

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New Members

The Executive Committee and members would like to welcome the following new members to Safety Beach SC. We look forward to meeting you at the club or on the water in the very near future.

  • Gary Cameron

What's On

happenings october

Rear Commodore Mutterings

We are now a couple of weeks into our sailing season and Mother Nature is throwing a mixed bag of conditions at us. From warm and balmy to cold with gale force winds. Friday night saw a good early season fleet in glorious conditions hit the water. With the club forced to use virtual marks as we seek a better alternative, it is becoming increasingly clear that, as we predicted would happen, mark rounding are becoming problematic. When approaching a virtual mark, the RRS still apply. If you have a number of boats approaching a mark, please use common sense and if in doubt approach with caution. If a boat calls for room, acknowledge it and respect it. Don’t barge in! The club has purchased a bot mark, which we hope will arrive in the next couple of weeks. There will need to be some time for R&D to get to understand its full capabilities before we deploy the mark in races, so please be patient. There will need to be a change to sailing instructions, so please be on the lookout for a notice to change SI’s in the next few weeks.
On the OTB front, the new blue mark has arrived, so the change to SI’s will be removed. The new blue RIB is back at the club and the new motor being run in by Rob Campbell. James Anderson has fitted the new radio and antenna. We have already had requests to hire the RIB from the Hawaii sailing team coming to the Peninsula for the Waszp worlds and also McCrae YC to help with the Ronstan Regatta. EPIRBs have been fitted to our rescue craft in favour of flares. We believe these will be cheaper long term and safer. Prop guards have also been purchased and will be fitted to all boats for safety but also to save propellers, as we’ve experienced a spike in damage over the past 12 months, they’re expensive to replace!
Thanks again to our resident tech sparky, James Anderson who replaced all the fluorescent lights in the clubhouse over the weekend in favour of LED lights and replaced our domestic wifi and upgraded it to a commercial standard wifi set up.
Cheers Mono

RHIB Updates

Hi There All Sailors

As we hopefully get some weather you can all sail in, we thought it a good time to remind ALL powerboat volunteers of some stuff that will help the club big time and other volunteers.

  1. PLEASE REFUEL VESSELS – The other day we were in a RHIB that was showing around 30% fuel on the gauge which is closer to 10%. Had this RHIB been taken out without fuelling it may well have run out of fuel, which would not have been ideal. No fuel means the vessel may not be able to assist in the event of an incident or accident on the water. If the gauge shows anywhere between 50 and 75% it’s the operators responsibility to refuel for the next trip thanks!! Fuel card is either in a vessel or on side wall of shed.
  2. PROP UP - PROP UP - PROP UP – Remember when launching or retrieving to have the prop barely in the water, this is all that is needed to propel the craft and will avoid damage thanks.
  3. Also, a big shout out to James Anderson who not only fitted the radio on the new junior training RHIB but also fixed another couple of electrical wiring challenges that had they gone unfixed would most likely have resulted in the vessel breaking down on the water. James is “relatively “ newish to the club so this kind of assistance was really appreciated. Thanks James.
Over and out
Chippa and Rob Campbell

Yard Storage Application Dramas!

Attention all SBSC members who have submitted yard storage applications.
We have been having issues with the submit now button on the yard storage applications.
If you have submitted a yard storage application but have not received an invoice please re send a scanned copy to 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks from James Yardmaster 

Solar Incentivization Program

As reported at the AGM the Club is participating in a Solar Incentivization Program with Mornington Peninsula Shire (MPS) which will see the installation of a solar system (starting on Monday 30th October), allowing the Club to save on energy bills and reduce community emissions.
SBSC is the first MPS facility participating in the program to have the solar system installed and our installation commences on Monday 30th October and should be completed within the week.
For safety reasons, during the installation there will be some areas around the Club exterior with restricted access due to equipment in use, however the contractors will work to keep this at a minimum.

Keelboat News


Friday Twilight Pursuit Race 3 

 1st – Friday Twilight Pursuit  Marrakesh  Neil Hawker
 1st – Friday AMS  Marrakesh  Neil Hawker

Race 1 of Sunday’s Summer Series was cancelled

Thanks to the tower crew on Friday night – Dianne Jackson and duty boat Christela.  For full results please click HERE

This Week's Races

Friday 27th October:

Twilight Pursuit Series 1 -  Race 4
First Warning Signal: 17:25H Pursuit Start  
  Race Officer:   Ross Martin
  Duty Boat:   Marrakesh
  Tower Set Up & Results:   Judy & Marg

Sunday 29th October:

Club Championship Series – Race 2 

First Warning Signal:
13.25H  Boat Start          
Race Officer:  
Rick Rogers              
Tower Assist:  
Maximum Limit
Results and Set Up

Waitangi Cup 2023

Regatta Report from Andrew Clark

While the weather was terrible down here last weekend, I was lucky enough to be skippering one of the 3 Adams 10s representing Victoria in the Waitangi Cup at Middle Harbour Yacht Club in Sydney. Another SBSC member John Bacon joined me for the adventure.

A 4am start Sat morning. It’s a series swapping from Vic to NSW each year (Safety Beach Sailing Club hosted in 2019) and has been run for about 25 years.  The host state offers the use of yachts for the visiting teams that are drawn from a hat (can’t win your own yacht), and there are normally 3 or 4 teams from each state.
The weather was fantastic, mid 20s and sunshine.  Blowing about 15-20 knots with gusts, and heaps of power boats, ferries and other yachts racing all over the harbour. Those Skiffs are something to watch.
The race area was between North and Middle Head, so you got a bit of swell and wave action.  Windward / return racing with four heats on the Saturday and two on Sunday.  Sat. night the scores were even followed by a great dinner back at the club after lots of sailing, a few bruises and some very tight racing.  Not much in it between all six yachts, but lots of breakage.  The beak fell off the end of our spinnaker pole (corroded)
Sunday was light in about 8-10 knots, very shifty breeze with typical harbour holes in it.  A bit of a crash at the beginning of Heat 5 but nothing serious, quite funny to watch to be honest, we were 2 back from the damaged boat.

After the wash up we got pipped at the post by a few points but a great weekend had by all.  Middle Harbour is a fantastic place and the club put on a great regatta.
clark collage

MOB Declarations

Declarations MUST be submitted by 31 October 2023

We note there are still a number of skippers that have not yet submitted their MOB Training Declaration. This is a requirement of entry to race this season, so please complete your MOB on-water drill THIS WEEKEND and email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before the 31 October deadline.  A link to the form on the website is available here

Cruising News 

cruising cup weekend

Festival of Sails

For all boats planning to head to Geelong for the FOS 2024 please get on board with the Passage Race from Mornington YC. 
This is part of the Festival of Sails Entry and sounds like a great fun way to get your boat and crew to Geelong.  To enter CLICK Here and select the ‘Mornington Peninsula Series’
fos 23

Petersville Regatta

Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron is pleased to announce entries are open for the 2023 Petersville Regatta, December 27-30 sailed in the pristine waters off Blairgowrie and surrounds. Join us for four days of fun, on and off the water.
Free marina berthing for the event with option to stay on.
Limited to 39 visiting boats and filling fast.
NoR, entries and more info at or call Race Director Phil Beattie on 0408 502 698
petersville 2023


orcv coastal sprintorcv rudderorcv survivalorcv westcoaster


Club Merchandise

Get you order in now to ensure that you are decked out in the latest Club Merchandise for he start of the 2023-2024 season Contact Marg Fleming on her email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your options. The youth t-shirts (with names on them) will have another order put in soon, so if you missed out on first round orders, please contact Marg to make sure you get one in the next batch, which will be processed by end of March. These t-shirts have been a hit with the juniors and will be great to wear to regatta's etc. 

club merchanise

Photo Of The Week

Till Brauckmann’s photo of Friday night’s racepotw 25th oct


If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok

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What's On

happenings october

Off The Beach

Last Sunday - just like the cat in the Samsung TV add says -“WOW!” It was an absolute ripper! We had wind and waves, rain and sunshine. Okay, that last one was a lie, but we did have the rest in copious amounts. 15 to 20 knots steady from the NW with plenty of breaking waves to surf and the odd rain squall to remind us that it’s spring in Melbourne. That floating about in the sunshine on opening day was nice, but this was real sailing, like in the good ol’ days.
Being the first round of the Club Championship series for Keelboats and OTB made for an early start for the race team to set up a turning mark for the KB’s then a quick change to set the first of two courses for OTB. There was plenty of activity in the yard but I think the heavy weather had a few thinking twice before putting their toes in the water as the first warning signal found quite a few boats a long way from the start line. Luckily for them there was a minor hiccup with the flags and a postponement let the catch up. Don’t expect that luxury too often!
With the new division 3 for the 420’s in play, the div 2 start wasn’t so hectic, but there was still plenty of action all around with boats going over left, right and centre even before the start. Once we were all away the racing got going in earnest. With all classes having at least two boats( with the exception of Neil W in his Contender) it made for some good one on one battles around the course. Unfortunately the heavy sea was the winner in many of those battles with quite a few breakages whittling the fleet down in size for the second race( tiller extensions aren’t for sitting on guys), but those that were still there had an absolute ball with some really good waves for surfing and that invigorating spray in the face going upwind. It was definitely a day to leave the auto bailer open as there was plenty of water coming over the bow!
All to soon the racing was finished, and that’s when the fun really started. Poor old Duncan in his nice new Sabre finished both races only to tip in after the finish( not his first time for the day) and couldn’t get it back upright long enough to get in, eventually having to accept a ride from the friendly guys in Sutherland while Stu Scott hopped into the Sabre to sail it home. I’m sure I heard Stu say afterward that he enjoyed the Sabre so much he was going straight out to buy one!
Talking about the A class guys, we all know those boats are highly strung( A Class Anthony couldn’t even get his into the starting barrier and had to sail around the edges for the day) but in a complete snub to its owner, as Glenny L was leaning over the stern of his flighty beast lifting the rudders, a wave dismounted him and the boat saw its chance to say “Goodbye to Safety Beach, I’m off to play with my mates at McCrae”. With a couple of Sabres trying to head it off, it was finally brought to heel by Ewan ‘The Man From Snowy River’ Campbell.
All in all, a great day was had by all and many thanks to the race team of Geoff E and Judy Champion on Start, Mark L and Keith B in Woodsy and James A and Stu S in Sutherland. Great course laying on a difficult day.
Finally, to those that are using the 20/20 rule, ie: I’m not coming out if it’s under 20 degrees or over 20 knots, you are missing a lot of fun- even if you don’t know it’s fun until after it’s over!
Cheers Pete Chippy
Carnage on the shoreline as the OTB fleet arrive back to the beach.shoreline sunday oct

Montalto Masters

montalto masters

Keelboat News


Friday Twilight Pursuit Race 2 – Tony’s Trophy Race

 1st – Friday Twilight Pursuit  Renaissance  David Donaldson
 1st – Friday AMS  Shimmer  Steve Twentyman
Thanks to everyone that was out sailing on Friday evening in some very chilly conditions for the Inaugural Tony’s Trophy Race.  It was quite a sight from the tower.  It was great to see so many people back at the club to enjoy the celebration including a number of faces on the big screen that were streamed to us from all over the world including Tony’s happy face from hospital. 
We were thrilled to have Tony’s sons out on E’toile for the race and back at the club to be part of the presentation ceremony. Congratulations to David Donaldson and the team from Renaissance for being the winners of this year’s Tony’s Race.  The trophy will take pride of place in the SBSC trophy cabinet and will be awarded to the winner of the first race in  Friday Twilight Pursuit series annually.
Big thanks to John Gordon and all those involved in making this happen
tony 1tony 2tonys race presentation


Club Championship Race 1

 1st Club Championship Div 1 - PHS  Marrakesh  Neil Hawker
 1st Club Championship Div 1 - AMS  Shimmer  Steve Twentyman
 1st Club Championship Div 1 – ORCc  Shimmer  Steve Twentyman
 1st Club Championship Div 2 – PHS & AMS  Rells  Mal Winder
Big thankyou to all our volunteers both in the tower and on the water.
For all the weekend’s results please click HERE

This Week's Races

Friday 20th  October:

Twilight Pursuit Series 1 -  Race 3
First Warning Signal: 17:25H Pursuit Start  
  Race Officer:   Judy Champion
  Duty Boat:   Christela
  Tower Set Up & Results:   Judy

Sunday 22nd October:

Sunday Summer Series – Race 1
First Warning Signal:
9:55H Tower Start – Two Divisions           
Race Officer:  
Ian Pearse                
Tower Assist:  
Results and Set Up
Attention is drawn to SI Item 11 – Starts and in particular 11.1.2
Except for pursuit races, Divisions 1 and 2 will start separately. There will be a 1-minute delay between the start of Division 1 and the Warning Signal for Division 2. Starts will be as per the instructions in Appendix 1 of these Sailing Instructions.

Cruising News 

cruising cup weekend

Festival of Sails

For all boats planning to head to Geelong for the FOS 2024 please get on board with the Passage Race from Mornington YC. 
This is part of the Festival of Sails Entry and sounds like a great fun way to get your boat and crew to Geelong.  To enter CLICK Here and select the ‘Mornington Peninsula Series’
fos 23

Petersville Regatta

Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron is pleased to announce entries are open for the 2023 Petersville Regatta, December 27-30 sailed in the pristine waters off Blairgowrie and surrounds. Join us for four days of fun, on and off the water.
Free marina berthing for the event with option to stay on.
Limited to 39 visiting boats and filling fast.
NoR, entries and more info at or call Race Director Phil Beattie on 0408 502 698
petersville 2023


orcv coastal sprintorcv rudderorcv survivalorcv westcoaster

Coming Up

sbsc   red hill candle workshop flyer


Club Merchandise

Get you order in now to ensure that you are decked out in the latest Club Merchandise for he start of the 2023-2024 season Contact Marg Fleming on her email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your options. The youth t-shirts (with names on them) will have another order put in soon, so if you missed out on first round orders, please contact Marg to make sure you get one in the next batch, which will be processed by end of March. These t-shirts have been a hit with the juniors and will be great to wear to regatta's etc. 

club merchanise

Photo Of The Week

Well done Tully (from the kiosk) for braving the cold and windy conditions for your first ever sail. Great to see you still smiling once you got back to shore. 



If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok

enews banner

New Members

The Executive Committee and members would like to welcome the following new members to Safety Beach SC. We look forward to meeting you at the club or on the water in the very near future.

  • Kate Harrington
  • Vaughan Clark
  • David Mason 
  • John Hawes 

What's On

happenings october

Off The Beach

Howdy Gang.
Wasn’t last Sunday a great start to the season? It was great to see 17 boats on the water and a lot more in the yard tweeking and making sure all is in readiness for an epic sail this week. While the wind could have been a bit fresher, we at least got a race in and all those on the water finished in less than the cutoff  90 minutes (even Keith B who took very little encouragement to skip the hitch mark and make a hasty run for the finish line). Once the racing was done (and the breeze picked up- of course), it was back to the Club for what I reckon was one of the best feeds we’ve ever had, so thanks Dave and Crew for doing what you do so well.
Apart from the yachts on the course, we of course had our intrepid race team, headed up by RO,VC, Life member and all round nice guy, Mono Martin, who as well as running the race, was instrumental in organising and MCing shindig upstairs. With him on SB1 was the perfectly named Judy Champion carefully taking down times in the absence of Super Deirdre Snooks, who is swanning around the Mediterranean with her daughter Grannie- what a life! Also with them was new member to the team, Greg Weston, one of our social members who has kindly put his hand up to help out on the RHIBs and is spending a couple of weeks on the start boat to get a feel for things. When you see Greg, please make yourself known to him as it’s these people that allow you to go sailing instead of manning the RHIBs.
This week sees the return of Geoff as RO and he has a surprise for us all in the form of an extra mark on the water! We are introducing a blue finish mark on the opposite side of the start boat to make things easier for the scorers to work out who is finishing and who is just sailing through the start line instead of going around it. This is going to take some getting used to and there will be many briefings and much complaining, but it will be a good thing. And apart from that, blue is my favourite colour!
As l hope you have seen, the duty roster is out ( and many thanks to Bill Manning for helping me to lock that task down, as I was struggling ). Di has posted it on the website and you should have it on email and text as well as a copy that will be on the notice board outside the change rooms so you should have no excuse for missing out, click this link to have a look. I was thinking of having it printed on toilet paper and distributing it to everyone but it was cost prohibitive so that’s out sorry.
And last but by no means least, it’s official, Taipan Tony is no more! From now on Mr Rogers shall be known as ‘A Class Anthony’ and he has vowed to take all marks correctly to port - even if it’s a starboard course, so look out if RO Geoff has that green flag flying!
Cheers for now, see you all Sunday for our normal 2 pm start ( 1.57 first warning),
Pete Chippy
Super Deirdre Snooks with her daughter Grainne swanning around the Mediterranean 
d and g

Montalto Masters

montalto masters

Keelboat News


Congratulations to:
 1st – Friday Twilight Pursuit  Renaissance  David Donaldson
 1st – Friday AMS  2Xtreme  Andrew Clark
 1st – Commodore’s Gold Cup  Anthea  John Wemyss
What a great way to start the 2023-2024 Summer Season.  We had 17 boats out on the water for the first Friday Twilight Pursuit in lovely sailing conditions but also very chilly.  Welcome to Running Bare who were out for their first Friday sail with SBSC.  Big thanks to all the tower volunteers.
I am sure everyone had an interesting time finding and rounding 25VM.  Please make sure you do your best to round these virtual marks and if in doubt give it a wide berth rather than cut the corner.  For those of you that are using a mobile device with Navionics to navigate around the course the SBSC virtual marks should be showing up in their correct locations.
For all the results please click HERE
Friday night racing thanks Chris Parks for the photo
kb frid 6th oct

This Week's Races

Friday 13th  October
Twilight Pursuit Series 1 -  Race 2 & the Inaugural “Tony’s Trophy Race”
First Warning Signal: 17:25H Pursuit Start  
  Race Officer:   Tim Bardon
  Duty Boat:   Cirrus
  Tower Set Up & Results:   Tim & Dianne
We are very proud to announce the Inaugural Tony Lohman Perpetual Trophy Race.
Tony has been an active member of the keelboat fraternity since the early days of keelboat racing at SBSC. He has crewed on many of our fleet over the years including After Midnight, Aphrodite, Bushranger, E’toile, Jaslin,  L’etoile, Mr Bojangles, Tardis, Therapy,  ToniK, Y Knot and Tumi. Tony has a love of sailing and the Club and particularly Friday Twilights.
We are saddened by the news that Tony is terminally ill, and the Keelboat Committee has decided to honour Tony and his passion for Friday twilight racing by naming the first Twilight race of every season The Tony Lohman Trophy Race “Tony’s Race“
Unfortunately we couldn’t align all the ducks in time for last week’s race so, this coming Friday twilight will be the inaugural Tony’s Trophy Race. We are hoping Tony can be on the water and will be at the Club after the race where the winner will be presented with the Perpetual Trophy. 
Please make a big effort to be out for the race and also to get back to the club after the race for this very special presentation. Start Sheet - HERE
Sunday 8th October
Club Championship Series – Race 1
First Warning Signal: 12:55H Boat Start                 
  Race Officer:   Till Braukmann    
  Tower Assist:   Julie Jones
  Results and Set Up Till and Dianne

Cruising News 

cruising cup weekend

Festival of Sails

For all boats planning to head to Geelong for the FOS 2024 please get on board with the Passage Race from Mornington YC. 
This is part of the Festival of Sails Entry and sounds like a great fun way to get your boat and crew to Geelong.  To enter CLICK Here and select the ‘Mornington Peninsula Series’
fos 23


orcv coastal sprintorcv rudderorcv survivalorcv westcoaster

Coming Up

sbsc   red hill candle workshop flyer


Club Merchandise

Get you order in now to ensure that you are decked out in the latest Club Merchandise for he start of the 2023-2024 season Contact Marg Fleming on her email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your options. The youth t-shirts (with names on them) will have another order put in soon, so if you missed out on first round orders, please contact Marg to make sure you get one in the next batch, which will be processed by end of March. These t-shirts have been a hit with the juniors and will be great to wear to regatta's etc. 

club merchanise

Photo Of The Week

A family affair! Ross Martin with daughter Natasha and grand daughter Jasmine all smiles as they salute the commodore last weekend.



If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok

enews banner

What's On

happenings october

Rear Commodore’s Mutterings

Hi all,
What a fantastic day it was at the Club on Saturday for the Grand Final. There were about 100 people watching what turned out to be a ripper game, regardless of the result. This was followed up by an exceptionally well attended working bee with about 60 members in attendance.
As a group we achieved a lot, notably:
- Removal of sand and saltbush from across the ramp (Thanks Clarkey)
- Fixed the Upper deck North Door and the pump for the water tanks (Chipper and Paul Martin, great job)
- replaced and relocated the isolation switch to for the water tank pump and replaced the lights in the mens change room. (Tony Rogers and James Anderson you’re unreal!)
- Gardeners and there were many, too many to include but notably thanks to the (not so) junior group for mucking in and making a huge difference, but I reckon there were 20 on garden duty.
- Cleaning both men and women's toilets including the north undercroft.
- All Locks lubricated (Thanks Rick Potter)
- Gates Greased (Bill Manning)
- Exterior cleaned! (Ross Martin and Greg Shenton)
- Spa Locker ripped apart and put back together led by Neil Whittaker and Erik Meijer and a host of young ones!
- TV Connectivity upgrade courtesy of James Anderson
Thanks Rob Rainsford for organising the day and to Linda Clarkson for the Bin from Bin smart. Thanks to all members who made the effort and made it possible to work through the list of jobs, even some that we didn’t know needed doing!
On sailing matters and after all, we are a sailing club. As you will be aware, Melbourne Ports are now enforcing the use of Channel Markers, as a rounding mark of a course for racing purposes. The affects us and we can no longer use 25, 23, 21 and 19 as marks of our course. This put a massive spanner in the works, particularly when the SI’s had been completed. So, where to from here? Your very proactive Keelboat committee led by John Wemyss and ably assisted by Tim Bardon and Geoff Eldridge, have reworked the SI’s to use virtual marks as a stop gap until we can convince ourselves that this isn’t the way forward.
The club is looking at another two options.
1/ launching a RIB every week with 2 volunteers to lay a mark in the vicinity of the channel markers formerly utilised by the club or
2/ The purchase of an expensive BOTMARK which is an autonomous mark which can be programmed to a set of co-ordinates remotely from the tower.
All options on the table have Pro’s and Con’s, we will have to decide which is the lesser of three evils. Clearly virtual marks have limitations, particularly surrounding the application of the RRS, which in themselves are subjective. Coupled with a virtual mark, how can you ever realistically prosecute and argument for body room or overlap at a mark? To this end, we think it’s (pardon the pun) virtually impossible to successfully protest a boat about something you can’t see. Although it would mean less protests…………?
Opening Day is on this Sunday. There will be a sail past. It would be fantastic to see as many boats on the water as possible for the sail past and then for a race afterwards. “Corinthian” will be located 100 metres southwest from the green pile with Keelboats saluting the commodore and guests at 10.30am, with the OTB fleet to pass at 10.45am. Keelboats will then be guided by the course board on the clubhouse for an all in tower start with warning Signal at 10.55am, with the OTB fleet to sail to the signal boat for a start at 11.10am. There will be a briefing at the flag pole at 9.15am for the OTB fleet. Sailing Instructions for both the OTB fleet and Keelboat Fleet are now available on the respective home pages for both fleets. OTB’s sailing Instructions will also be posted on the regatta board near the sign on area.
After racing on Sunday, please come back to the club for a taste of Snooks Catering famous opening day spreads and a drink, as we usher in the new season from 2.00pm for 2.30 formalities.
Cheers! Mono

Outstanding Membership Fee's 

Just a friendly reminder that Season 2023/24 fees are now overdue for some members. If you have misplaced your invoice, or would like to make changes to your membership, please contact our membership coordinator John via email, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you need to see prices of memberships, please click here.

Off The Beach

Hi  Troops.
Well, here we are at the start of another season. I trust you got all those jobs that were hanging over your head finished over winter- sure you did, just like l me!
As I’m writing this it’s pouring with rain, blowing a gale, bushfires burning and flooding imminent. But not to worry, because by Sunday morning the weather will be perfect for opening day sailing, so don’t miss out on a cracking day on the water and an even better one upstairs afterwards (I hear David has organised a surprise appearance by KISS and all of those kids from the Grand Final in full costume- hmm, we might have to make some room on the deck).
The plan for the mornings sail is for a sail past of the Commodore by the Keelboats at 10.30 followed by the OTB Fleet at 10.45. The Keelboats will head off for their race and the OTB’s will have their race starting at 11.00 (first warning at 10.57). We will have a briefing in the yard before heading out so try to be ready in plenty of time. RO for the day will be Andrew Mono Martin, ably assisted by Judy Champion. Rhib crews are Norm Kaye, Paul Martin, Rob Campbell and yours truly, so don’t fall overboard!
I’m sure it will be mentioned by others in the enews, but I just wanted to give a big thanks to everyone that showed up for last weeks working bee. It was the best turnout we’ve had for years and an enormous amount of jobs were ticked off, notably Clarky bringing his excavator to clear the ramp and all the juniors doing a complete empty and repack of the spar locker. Special thanks to Mono for putting on the sausage sizzle out of his own pocket. Great job everyone.
There will be a couple of changes to the sailing instructions this season, which we will go into in more detail later, but here’s one to whet your appetite for starters. I know we all like visual aids so this season instead of looking up the weather forecast, just drive by the Mornington Pier. If it looks like the attached picture- sailing WILL be cancelled !! See you all Sunday morning.
Cheers, Pete Chippy
mornington pier

Spar Locker 

There are quite a few masts in the locker that appear to have not been used for a very long time, nor are there matching craft in the yard for them to go on. If you have forgotten to take a mast home and have been storing it in the spar locker for an extended amount of time, please come and collect your mast and any other belongings that are gathering dust in the locker. It would be great to start the season with seamless access to equipment that is regularly used.

Yard Storage for Kayaks & Ski's

Storage space is at an all time high for storing kayak's, stand-up's and ski's. If you own any of the following craft, could you please contact yard master James Everett on 0435 994 173, to discuss your storage fees or collection of craft. ski 1ski 2

Montalto Masters

montalto masters

Keelboat News

2023-2024 Season

The start of the 2023-2024 Summer Season is just around the corner with our first Friday Twilight Pursuit Race scheduled for the 6th of October and Opening Day on Sunday the 8th of October.
Make sure you are ready for that first race:
  • Set up your SailSys Account and  get your entries in here . Get you entries in by Tuesday 3rd October if you are planning to sail on the first weekend of the summer season.
  • Make sure your Cat 5 Safety Declaration is completed and you have your current Insurance Certificate on hand as these are both required when you enter races or series in SailSys.
  • Get your AMS and ORCc certificates re-validated now as we do ask that you include this information when entering through SailSys.
  • For further information on how Getting Set Up with SailSys click here.
  • Do your MOB drill and send in your MOB Training Declaration (available by  clicking here) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by the 31st October.
The 2023-24 NOR and Sailing Instructions (including details of the courses to be sailed) are now available on the club website:

This Week's Races

Friday 6th October: Twilight Pursuit Series # 1 -  Race 1
First Warning Signal: 17:25H Pursuit Start  
  Race Officer:   Rob Rainsford
  Duty Boat:   YKnot
  Tower Set Up & Results:   Amanda & Dianne
Sunday 8th October: Opening Day @ SBSC
Keelboat Sail Past: 10:30H  
First Warning Signal: 10:55H Boat Start                 
  Race Officer:   Elaine Nicholas     
  Tower Assist:   Amanda Malin

 Cruising News 

cruising cup weekend


orcv coastal sprintorcv rudderorcv survivalorcv westcoaster

Coming Up

sbsc   red hill candle workshop flyer

Club Merchandise

Get you order in now to ensure that you are decked out in the latest Club Merchandise for he start of the 2023-2024 season Contact Marg Fleming on her email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your options. The youth t-shirts (with names on them) will have another order put in soon, so if you missed out on first round orders, please contact Marg to make sure you get one in the next batch, which will be processed by end of March. These t-shirts have been a hit with the juniors and will be great to wear to regatta's etc. 

club merchanise

Photo Of The Week

Thanks Rick Potter for capturing the intensity in the room on Saturday. Our members and guests enjoyed watching an absolute nail biter of a game. Well done pies!!

gf day


If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok

Club Sponsors


Club Partners

sponsors womens sailing