Off The Beach News
Howdy Cowdies.
Wow, what an interesting week we had weather wise. From torrential rain on Monday to stinking hot for the rest of the week. Super strong winds for the Keelboaters on Friday evening to a ripper day Saturday. Then came Sunday. The morning was calm and a bit overcast but otherwise OK for those early birds out for a bit of pre 420 Nats training. But take a look at our old friend, the rain radar, it certainly told a different story. With a massive rain band and a long storm front full of lightning and other bitey stuff, it was 'hold on the deck until further notice'. He smart ones didn't even unpack their bags, but with a gung-ho RO in 'the Maestro', Rick P and a willing (if not keen) race team of Super D, the Rob's, W and C, Simon the Man and Coast Guard volunteer, Julian N, they did a quick poll of those prepared to sail (six) and had the boats in the water as soon as the lightning cleared. Two Sabres, two 420s an Impulse and a Laser (go Muzz!) left the beach in some drizzley rain
and headed for the course. Luckily the track was very close to the beach and the rain eased off enough to get a slightly delayed start. Fairly light and shifty wind gave us a nice race with only two knuckle heads going the wrong side of the buoys at the finish-Stupidos!
Race two saw the 420s and one Sabre head for home, so now it was three. Rick made the call to start and shortened up the course a bit as the breeze was dying out. The Impulse and Laser had a great battle up and back but then the wind swung 180 degrees which was a precursor to dropping out completely so Rick ran up the old 'abandon all hope' flag and gave us the three hooters. He even towed us back to the beach! What a guy. Although I have it on reliable authority, Rob C,(well maybe not that reliable), that he was going to leave us out there bobbing around all night until Super D gave him a shlappin' and insisted he rescue us. Julian N was on the start boat as well and I'm sorry he had to see that.
All in all, we had one slow race in the rain and one even slower race that had to be abandoned. Was it worth it? Too bloody right it was! And the best part, not one JetSki to be seen!
That's about it for this week. Congrats to Paul F and Craig G for their Third place in the B14 worlds. Brent F and Leigh D 4th and Ewan and Misha C in 14th, noice work. Also a shout to Ross M and Tash for 7th and Mono M and Imogen in 9th at the Tasar Nats, and don't forget the Mighty Bill M in 21st at the Impulse Nats ,WooHoo!
Good luck to all the SBSC 420s (5) heading to Sydney for the Nats this weekend. That's 5 boats in a fleet of 13, awesome!
Cheers for now, Pete Chippy
Keelboat News
Updated Program (Part 2)
An updated program has now been published on the website (click HERE). Note we have made a slight change to the program at the end of March/early April, due to timing and on-water resources required for the Adams 10 State Titles.
Friday Pursuit - Series 2, Race 1
Till Brauckmann
Running Bare
Tim Pepperell
Mr Bojangles
Linda Wooley
Friday AMS – Series 2, Race 1
Vamonos |
Fiona Jones
2nd | Mr Bojangles | Linda Wooley |
3rd | Maximum Limit | Rick Rogers |
Full Holiday Series results available HERE
Sunday Summer Series - Race 5
A small fleet took part in Sunday morning's race - maybe some wise skippers read the weather report in their tea leaves! As they crossed the start line, the sun was out and the beach was starting to swell with CoolCabanas. But in no time at all it started to turn dark and a thunderstorm cell made its way across the bay. All boats made it home safely. Nice to see a visiting boat (casual entry) 'True Colours' from RBYC have a 'W', but well done to Mr Bojangles who placed first on PHS, AMS and ORC. Thanks to Race Officer David Donaldson and his crew from Renaissance for their tower duty. And also Di Jackson, Judy Champion and Glenys Hitchen (from Christela) who took care of Friday night's first twilight of Series 2.
This Week's Racing
Friday 17 January 2025
Twilight Pursuit Series 2 - Race 2
Margaret Hollamby Female Helm Series - Race 3
Race Start Time (AEDT): | 17:30H Pursuit Start |
Race Officer: | Mark Lawrence |
Assistant: | Dianne Jackson |
Set up/Results: | Jann Wilson |
Could all boats competing in the female helm series please radio the tower pre-race to confirm your female helm.
Sunday 19 January 2025
Club Championship Series - Race 5
Long Distance Sub-series - Race 2
First Warning Signal:
09:55H Tower Start
Race Officer:
Lynlee Coutts |
Amanda Malin |
Set up/Results:

To make this one of the best Sail Peninsula events, we need as many SBSC keelboats to enter as possible. The Keelboat and Sail Peninsula sub-committees would really appreciate it if skippers could please get your entries in ASAP to support this club event. To enter please CLICK HERE
Exciting News!
We are thrilled to announce a change in this year's format due to popular demand. The Friday evening pursuit race will now feature a spinnaker race! For more details, check out the regatta Notice of Race link HERE.

We are pleased to advise that the first 40 entries for this years Sail Peninsula regatta will be provided with one of our new promotional Bambak Canvas bags.

Bambak use old sails to manufacture bags like these and other products. Full details can be accessed here: https://bambak.co/pages/about-us
The sale of the bags goes towards community support projects and provides employment to people in Vanuatu. The name "Bambak" derived from the Vanuatuan language, means "reborn," symbolizing the new life given to discarded sails.
The bags we are promoting are about 30cm x 20cm with the SP25 logo on the front and a Bambak logo on the back, they are lined and have a zip closure at the top and carry handle. They are a very useful item for storage on your boat.
Get your SP25 entry in ASAP to secure your promotional bag.
Cruising News
Have you planned your next visit to Docklands? Click HERE To find out all about what's on offer at this wonderful destination.
Junior Sailing

Junior Sailing starts again on 2nd February and runs until 6th April.
The cost is $120 for members. Please click THIS LINK to register.

Melbourne to Port Fairy (Friday 14 February)
For 2025, the ORCV’s traditional race to the historic and picturesque port of Port Fairy has been rescheduled to mid-February, taking advantage of more favourable weather conditions and providing a feeder race for yachts planning participate in the 75th Adelaide to Port Lincoln race.
The 135 mile course runs SW from Queenscliff past the coastal resorts of Torquay, Anglesea, Lorne and Apollo Bay, before rounding Cape Otway and entering the southern ocean. It’s also Valentines Day, so what better what better way to celebrate your one true love – sailing! Enter here: www.orcv.org.au/port-fairy
If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok