Photo Of The Week
Thanks Melissa Kelly for this awesome photo of the fleet of boats chasing down 11:11
Inspire Marine Friday Twilight Race 10 on 13/12/24

Off The Beach News
Ho Ho Ho gang,
what a great day we had on Sunday. As promised (finally), we had near perfect weather for our early start. It actually was perfect for the junior sail training at last. When I got to the club around 9.00, the yard was a hive of activity with kids, parents, boats and trainers everywhere. All the senior sailors had been relegated to the further area of grass. But before long the grass was clear as they were all in the water belting around like they were born to it. Great job guys to keep them so obviously enthused after many weeks of crappy weather.
The last race of the Red Dolphin series was an early start due to the famous SBSC Xmas bunscruff in the afternoon and I think it caught a few unawares, but spare a thought for the race team who, as well as getting our race organised, also had an on water start for the Keelboats to run. Thanks RO Stu S, Asst RO super D, the two Rob's, C and W, Erik M and Simon H in the RHIBs. They all did a cracking job setting the marks for a sausage course ( darn cat sailors ) for the first race and got us away in a massed start with light to medium wind. There were plenty of shifts to work and gains to be made, and lost as I found out at the last second as that cunning bugger, Rick P snuck past me right on the line. He said he was almost going to hold off and give me the win. I'm glad he didn't, as the lesson learned was more valuable, and besides, in the words of the great W.C.Fields, "You should never give a sucker an even break".
As we waited for the tail enders to finish in the easing wind, (no-one was complaining about sailing around in those glorious conditions), the RHIB crews were moving the top marks in shorter to ensure a result. A super quick turnaround and we were off again, but as lap one was stretching out, it became obvious that we weren't going to get the whole race done before sunset, so Stu did the wise thing and shortened the course. Two races done and back to the beach. Some shameful people accepted a tow back, but why would you miss eking out every bit of such a ripper day?
It was great to see the Sharpie back on the water and Mark the markman L even had the Pussy Power zooming along. All up, we had 15 boats join the races. Not bad as some people have already cleared out for the holidays, luck buggers.
Next week we are back to our normal 2.00 start for round four of the Community Bank Southern Peninsula Club Championship series. Here's your chance to pick up some places on those that choose other activities that day- too close to Christmas? Piffle! Even break, sucker, you get the picture.
Back on land, and upstairs for the festivities. Food and drinks on the best deck of any of the Sailing Clubs around, live music and a visit from Santa and that ageless Elf of his, why would you be anywhere else? I hope someone got a picture in the morning of the juniors in the foreground with the OTB fleet mid way and the Keelboats coming home. That really would be one for the poolroom.
That's about it from me this week, but just a reminder; before you go running off to the chandlery to buy new chain plates because you think someone has 'borrowed' yours, have a closer look to make sure you've picked up the right mast- classic!
Cheers, Pete Chippy

Keelboat News
Summer Program - Part 2
Part 2 of the program has now been published on the website.
CLICK HERE to view. Please check your duty date(s) and mark it in the diary.
Friday Pursuit - Race 10
Till Brauckmann
Peter Morrison
Bernie O'Hanlon
Friday Pursuit - Overall Series 1
Cameron Barwick
Peter Morrison
Till Brauckmann
Friday AMS – Race 10
Maximum Limit
Rick Rogers
Fiona Jones
Andrew McGrath
Friday AMS – Overall Series 1
Maximum Limit
Rick Rogers
Fiona Jones
Andrew Clark
Margaret Hollamby Female Helm - Race 2
Fiona Jones
Mr Bojangles
Andrea Catling
Meaghan Densley
Full weekend results available
Another big twilight on the water with 28 starters in the final race of Series 1 and the 2nd race of the Female Helm Series. Thanks to Mark Bulka (RO) and his 'Balance' crew, along with Amanda Malin for their race control in the tower.
Sunday Club Championship Series - Race 4
Great to see 13 boats competing on a beautiful Sunday morning in the fourth race of the Club Championship Series. A morning start to ensure everyone was back for the club Christmas Party. This week it was 'Vamonos' who took out a clean sweep on the water - 1st on PHS, AMS and ORC. Another big thank you to Till Brauckmann (RO) and the 'Happy Days' crew for their tower duty.
This Week's Racing
Friday 20 December 2024
Fun Twilight Pursuit Race (with optional spinnaker)
Race Start Time (AEDT): 17:30H Pursuit Start
Race Officer: Amanda Malin
Duty Boat: Layla Rose
Set up/Results: Amanda
Please note: All boats will be automatically entered in the Fun Twilight Race, so no need to do a SailSys entry (if you haven't already). If you decide to use spinnaker on the night, please ensure you advise the tower (via VHF radio) prior to the race and add a 3-minute penalty to your published start-time.
Sunday 22 December 2024
Shark Bay Holiday Series - Race 1
First Warning Signal: 09:55H Tower Start
Race Officer: Rick Rogers
Duty Boat: Maximum Limit
Set up/Results: Dianne Jackson
Shark Bay Holiday Series
The Shark Bay Holiday Series starts THIS SUNDAY and runs over the holiday period (see dates below). Please
ENTER NOW and join in the fun - even if it's only for one or two races.
All Race Start Times: 09:55 First Warning Signal (Tower Starts)
Race 1: Sunday 22 December
Race 2: Friday 27 December
Race 3: Monday 30 December
Race 4: Friday 3 January 'Race to the Middle'
Race 5: Sunday 5 January
Other Holiday Racing
There's plenty of other racing action happening around the bay over the holiday season. Best of luck to all the following SBSC skippers and crew competitors:
ORCV Cock of the Bay:
Petersville Regatta at BYS:
Organised Chaos
Adams 10 State Titles
SBSC has recently agreed to host the Adams 10 State Titles on the weekend of 29-30 March 2025. Part 2 of the SBSC Summer Program has been updated to include this event. Please note that the Club Championship race times and details on Sunday 30 March are unchanged.
SBSC Keelboat owners and crew, the entry portal for Sail Peninsula 2025 is now open for applications to take part in next year’s event which is being held over the weekend of the 21st to 23rd February.
The Sail Peninsula committee is working hard to make next year’s event one of the best ever and hopes to showcase our club, our waters, our expertise and our club’s fabulous social comradeship and friendship.
To make this one of the best Sail Peninsula events, we need as many SBSC keelboats to enter as possible. It doesn’t matter if you think you are at the pointy end, the middle, or the back of the field. We want and encourage you to enter and support and be part of the club and this event.
Note costs of entry have remained the same as last year’s event.
Are you planning a short - or longer-term investment?
A Bendigo Bank term deposit may be just what you need to get the most from your money. Talk to the team at one of our three branches, Rye, Rosebud, or Dromana, and watch your money grow at Bendigo Bank
Community Bank Southern Peninsula
Rye | Rosebud I Dromana
Jetski Petition
It doesn't take much to notice that our local beaches are becoming quite hazardous for many users, as we see a rise in popularity of personal water crafts (jetskis). As always the minority of unlawful users are spoiling it for others. After many dangerous accidents over the last few summers, a local Rye resident Robert Stanley contacted the local member Sam Groth to seek advice on how to better control the dangerous behavior and return our waters to a safe and fun place. From this, a petition has been drawn up for anyone interested in contributing to possible legislative change. To sign the petition please CLICK HERE. This has not been organised or endorsed by the club, however it is everyone's right to enjoy the waters safely.
Australian Sailing Calendar Of Events
December 2024 to January 2025
Around Victoria Victoria is home to many events this summer -
Thu 26 Dec
Cock of Bay
Where Ocean Racing Club Victoria
Fri 27 Dec
Melbourne to Hobart Westcoaster
Where Ocean Racing Club Victoria
Fri 27 Dec- Mon 30 Dec
Petersville Regatta
Where Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron
Sat 28 Dec- Fri 3 Jan
Hartley TS16 National Championship
Where Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club
Wed 1 Jan- Mon 6 Jan
Flying 15 National Championship
Where Davey's Bay Yacht Club
Fri 3 Jan- Sun 5 Jan
Etchells pre-Worlds
Where Royal Brighton Yacht Club
Sat 4 Jan- Fri 10 Jan
64th Heron National Championship
Where St Leonards Yacht Club & Motor Squadron
Fri 10 Jan- Tue 14 Jan
Etchells World Championship
Where Royal Brighton Yacht Club
Sat 18 Jan- Wed 22 Jan
Mirror National Championship
Where Albury Wodonga Yacht Club
Thu 23 Jan- Sun 26 Jan
F18 National Championship
Where Frankston Yacht Club
Fri 24 Jan- Sun 26 Jan
2.4m National Championship
Where Gippsland Lakes Yacht Club
Sat 25 Jan- Mon 27 Jan
Festival of Sails
Where Royal Geelong Yacht Club
Ronstan Cock of the Bay (Thursday 26 December)
What better way to spend your Boxing Day than competing in one of the most iconic events on the Australian sailing calendar! The traditional course of approx 21nm starts near Station Pier in Port Melbourne and is designed to sail past major bayside locations for sailors and spectators alike to view. Some say there is no better way to work off the excesses of Christmas the day before! Enter here:
Melbourne to Hobart ‘Westcoaster’ (Friday 27 December)
The ORCV ‘Westcoaster’ is a legendary yacht race where tactics and sailing well can crown you as the race champion, regardless of boat size. Across the 435nm passage, yachts contend first with Bass Strait before taking on the wilderness and ruggedness of the West Coast of Tasmania and the long ocean swell of the Southern Ocean before turning towards the finish line and the shifting winds of the Derwent. For more than 50 years, the Westcoaster has provided sailors with a unique race full of tactical challenges.
Early-bird entries close on 10 November! Enter here:
Melbourne to Port Fairy (Friday 14 February)
For 2025, the ORCV’s traditional race to the historic and picturesque port of Port Fairy has been rescheduled to mid-February, taking advantage of more favourable weather conditions and providing a feeder race for yachts planning participate in the 75th Adelaide to Port Lincoln race.
The 135 mile course runs SW from Queenscliff past the coastal resorts of Torquay, Anglesea, Lorne and Apollo Bay, before rounding Cape Otway and entering the southern ocean. It’s also Valentines Day, so what better what better way to celebrate your one true love – sailing! Enter here:
Photo Gallery
December 13th - 15th
Inspire Marine Friday Twilight Race 10 on 13/12/24 from Lori Wilson

Sunday 15th mix of Juniors and Keelboats from Melissa Kelly
Junior Sail Training 15th December from Jess Greg & Fiona Lowe
Community Bank Southern Peninsula Championship Race 4 on 15/12/24 from Lori Wilson
If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your
Photo Of The Week to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials:
Instagram, and