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Biggest Morning Tea Flyer

Please join us for SBSC’s Biggest Morning Tea Fundraiser for Cancer Council Australia on Thursday 3 May from 10am-12noon. Tickets can be purchased by clicking on the direct Try Booking link below. A delicious Morning tea buffet (inc. tea/coffee) will be provided by Snooks Catering with $10 from each ticket purchased, being directly donated to the cause. There will be speakers from The Peninsula Home Hospice along with some others. Be sure to bring some additional gold coins with you for some additional fun and games on the day.
Gather your friends, family and/or colleagues together and come partake in our fundraiser, know that you will be helping to support cancer research, prevention and support services for those affected. Together we can make a difference.
May Happenings 2024 new

Off The Beach News

Winter OTB Brass Monkey Series 2024

Presentation Night 

Now is the time to nominate your choice for Club Person and Junior Club Person of the Year. Think hard on this as there are lots of worthy candidates, and most are very much behind the scenes. Send your nominations to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Save the Date   SBSC Presentation Night 2024

Keelboat News

This Weekend's Racing

Sunday 19 May - Brass Monkey Winter Pursuit Series - Race 1
First Warning Signal: 09:55H Pursuit Start
It's not too late to enter for this Sunday's race.  Please click here asap 2024 Winter Series Entry so we can get your entry processed.
The 2023 winter season was a fantastic series with no abandoned Sunday races.  It's just like Friday night pursuits with an extra layer... so rug up and we look forward to seeing you out on the water each fortnight, enjoying winter sailing conditions! 

Winter Adventures 

There is plenty going on with our Safety Beach boats that are escaping the Melbourne Winter.
Phil and Lana on Luna Sea have made it to the Gold Coast and from all reports had a great trip and are now enjoying their winter home.
After much waiting in Coffs Harbour and a few last minute maintenance items to deal with Team Tumi with Jeff, Jen and Jacqui on board finally departed from Coffs Harbour on Tuesday morning for the trip out to New Caledonia.  They were even given a Police Escort to make sure they left!!  Summer Lovin with Brian, Paul, Rob and John on board departed Wednesday morning.  
The trip out to Noumea is almost 900NM and should take them around 6 to 7 days for the passage.  We wish them all a safe and comfortable trip and sure they will be looking forward to a touch of France in the Pacific when they arrive.  To follow their progress go to:
Tumi -  https://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/display/SV-Tumi/
Summer Lovin - https://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/display/Summer_Lovin/
Closer to home Vincitore with Peter, Bruce, Tim and Muzz on board departed Martha Cove this morning and are heading north to Hamilton Island where they will be representing SBSC in this year's Hamilton Island Race week.  For those keen to do a bit of AIS stalking you can follow them on Marine Traffic (http://www.marinetraffic.com/)
To keep up to date with all the latest cruiser updates please go to the SBSC Cruiser Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/883236989077854
Tumi 1
Tumi 2

New Cal Cruisers   May 2024

Summer Lovin'

Summer Lovin


Vincitore Departs 15 05 24Vincitore

 bendigo branch manager

ORCV News 

The ORCV DYSC Marine Supplies Winter Series is fast approaching, with Race 1 kicking-off on Saturday 22 June. We’ve already received entries from 8 boats and look forward to some great competition across all bay clubs. 
Our Safety and Sea Survival courses (full course + refresher) will shortly sell-out. With the full course being a prerequisite for ocean racing and an Australian Sailing affiliated program, and the refresher course being required every five years, now is a great time for sailors to brush-up on their skills and achieve certification. In addition to racing, the courses also offer great insight for sailing and cruising. Please encourage your members to register as soon as possible to avoid missing out. 
New for 2024 is the ORCV’s Weather for Sailors online course, with the first module starting on Thursday 13 June. The Weather for Sailors course is designed to inform all types and levels of sailors about how to observe weather conditions and how to find the right forecasting advice from the vast array of modern resources available. 
And finally, the team at ORCV in conjunction with Sandringham Yacht Club has been busy coordinating our first Marine Safety Expo to be held on Sunday 21 July with a full program of speakers now ready.  We’ve attached a larger A4 poster if you wish to put this on your notice boards around the club. 
As always, our full calendar of events can be found here: https://www.orcv.org.au/calendar 

awkr 2024

Club Merchandise

Get you order in now to ensure that you are decked out in the latest Club Merchandise for he start of the 2023-2024 season Contact Marg Fleming on her email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your options. Taking orders now for youth t-shirts with names on the back. 
youth shirtsclub merchanise

Photo Of The Week

Aurora Australis, photo taken by Jessica Lowe on 11th May.
I hope you were all lucky enough to see this amazing natural phenomenon, unlike me, because I missed it! 


If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok

Club Sponsors


Club Partners

sponsors womens sailing