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xmas party 2023

december happenings 2023 

Off The Beach

Howdy Gang.
I hope you’ve all had a good week so far coping with the crazy weather. After the last two Saturdays being completely awful, our Sundays have turned out OK with last week being pretty good, although the breeze was a bit light and being offshore there were bugger all waves to surf. Being a Club Championship day for the keelboats as well as for OTB meant an early start for the race team and they were on to it. By the time we all left the beach there was a nice course ready and waiting for the 25 or so boats plus a couple of Contenders that sailed up from McCrae (where were you Neil W? You could have given the old girl a last run).
Race One was course 1, triangles, and everyone headed off in different directions as they do, and most met up at the top mark, as they do. With one exception at least. Fiona M went all he way right and absolutely blitzed it, picking the favoured side and playing the shifts beautifully. Mark L and Rob F were having a good tussle in their Windrush's but Rob seems to have the edge so far. Perhaps Mark needs to tip that Pussy Power over and give it’s bottom a good polishing. The Tasar fleet seems to be bunching up nicely and with Mono on a rhib to give Abbey and Mat some practice time before the Nationals , that left the gate open for Greg and James to sneak up the rankings a bit. The A Class guys were doing what they do and even A Class Anthony managed to get both races done. We had three Lasers in div 3 and one in div 2 (although someone told Jamieson F to follow the other Lasers which made for a long day for him)
Jamieson is coming out each week, even in the heavy weather which is great to see. He’s fairly new to sailing and is keen as mustard, so if you see him out there, give him some encouragement and some words of wisdom and before you know it you will be looking at his transom rather than the other way round. James A in his Laser was happier with the lighter wind and managed to keep his mast pointing in the right direction for the whole day, a far cry from the previous weeks.
Race Two was course 2, sausages (I hate those things!) and a wind shift meant more work for the rhib crews which they got done in quick time and we were off again, with the same result for Fiona. She said afterward that light and shifty is just how she likes it. I don’t know if that’s any reflection on Ross, but hey, whatever floats yer boat. Andrew ‘Doc’ Taylor came out briefly in his new-ish Impulse but I think he was waiting for Tim B and Gingerbread Bill to take possession of their Impulses next week to help him muscle out those 420’s on the start line.
This week is the SBSC Chrissy lunch, so racing starts early, 10.27 first warning, so get your bums in the yard pronto and don’t keep Geoff waiting on the start line. He’s planning on getting completely blotto and wants to be first in line at the buffet!
Speaking of the race crews, thanks again to Fiona L, Hamish M and his Girlfriend Kelly (way to show a girl a good time Ham!)as well as Rick P who was there to mentor Mono as it turned out. Matilda was there in the small rhib giving some valuable coaching to the 420 fleet prior to their Nationals , and of course, Super D and Wonder Geoff on Start. Fiona L managed to take some great photos of both the OTB and Keelboat fleets so check them out on the SBSC Facebook page.
Last but not least, there won’t be any official sailing for a few weeks as Boxing Day and New Years Day are Sundays and they are followed by the Club hosting the B14, Javelin and Musto Nationals the first week of January. Speaking of which, we are still short a couple of rhib crew for Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th so if you are free on those days (keelboat people would be welcomed with open arms) please contact Geoff or myself, or even someone at the bar and they will put you in contact with us.
That’s all for now Folks. Have a fun and safe Chrissy and good luck to everyone heading off to Nationals and especially the Tasar Gang at the Worlds. We are looking forward to seeing the silverware..
Cheers for now, Pete Chippy
Jamieson loving the new ride on his laser, recently upgraded from his RS Tera
jamison laser
James getting into his groove on his laser, moving away from the 420 for a while
james laser

Keelboat News


Friday Twilight Pursuit - Race 10 & Margaret Hollamby Female Helm Series – Race 2

Race Cancelled

Club Championship Series – Race 5

1st – Div 1 PHS
Unprecedented Andrew McGrath
1st – Div 1 AMS
Anthea John Wemyss
1st – Div 1 ORC
Mr Bojangles
Pauline Cleaver
Thank you to everyone that helped on Sunday; the tower team of Andrew Clark (RO), 2Xtreme, and Di Jackson, as well as the on-water start boat crew and OTB rhib volunteers. For full results please click HERE 

This Week's Races

Friday 15th December:

Twilight Pursuit Series 1 – Race 11
First Warning Signal:
17:25H Pursuit Start
Race Officer:  
Amanda Malin
Duty Boat:  
New Morning II
Tower Set Up & Results:  
Amanda Malin

This is the last race in Series 1.  Early forecast for Friday looks great to we hope to see a big fleet on the water and back at the club for drinks and dinner.

Sunday 17th December:

Shark Bay Holiday Series – Race 1
All boats that are already entered in for Sunday sailing will automatically be entered into the Holiday Series. Any new boats, please get your entries in ASAP and no later than Friday. Click Here to enter!
First Warning Signal:
09:55H  Tower Start
Race Officer:  
Tim Bardon   
Duty Boat:  
Results and Set Up

Friday 22 December – Fun Twilight Race

For the final twilight of 2023, we have a Fun Friday Twilight with Spinnaker Option.
All boats that have entered the Friday Twilight Series 1 will automatically be entered into the Fun Friday Twilight Series.  A boat’s PHS will be the same as the PHS it finished the Twilight Series 1 with.
As per current SI’s, boats that wish to use a spinnaker in the Fun Twilight races must add 3’ to the published start time on SailSys.
Note:  All boats that entered the Friday Twilight Series 1 will automatically be entered into the Friday Twilight Series 2.  The starting PHS for Series 2 will be the same as the final PHS of Series 1.
Marrakesh with the unmissable blue kite
Unprecedented channeling First Aid vibes or Swiss vibes with the bold red and white kite 

xmas donations 2023

xmas opening 2023

bendigo branch manager

Festival of Sails

For all boats planning to head to Geelong for the FOS 2024 please get on board with the Passage Race from Mornington YC. 
This is part of the Festival of Sails Entry and sounds like a great fun way to get your boat and crew to Geelong.  To enter CLICK Here and select the ‘Mornington Peninsula Series’
fos 23

Petersville Regatta

Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron is pleased to announce entries are open for the 2023 Petersville Regatta, December 27-30 sailed in the pristine waters off Blairgowrie and surrounds. Join us for four days of fun, on and off the water.
Free marina berthing for the event with option to stay on.
Limited to 39 visiting boats and filling fast.
NoR, entries and more info at petersvilleregatta.com.au. or call Race Director Phil Beattie on 0408 502 698
petersville 2023


orcv westcoaster

Join the ORCV and Ronstan Cock of the Bay 
This year’s Cock of the Bay is expected to draw boats from around the bay who enjoy that festive sail from Melbourne to Mornington.  Bring your friends and family and join us as we aim for 100 boats enjoying fun in the sun.  Early bird entries close on Saturday, December 2.  https://www.orcv.org.au/cock-of-the-bay

cock bay 2023


Club Merchandise

Get you order in now to ensure that you are decked out in the latest Club Merchandise for he start of the 2023-2024 season Contact Marg Fleming on her email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your options. 

club merchanise

Photo Of The Week

Rain, hail or shine, these two always turn up and get it done!
Thank you Geoff and Deirdre for your commitment to the club!
start boat


If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok

Club Sponsors


Club Partners

sponsors womens sailing