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Presentation following AGM

The Story of ‘Unprecedented’

Following the AGM, Ben Thompson from UNPRECEDENTED has kindly offered to present the Unprecedented story, including their two-handed race in the Melbourne to Hobart last year.  We encourage you all to stay on for this interesting talk.
unprecendented 3
Unprecedented is a Sunfast 3300 purchased in 2020 by Andrew McGrath, with crew-mate Ben Thompson.  The boat was named after the unprecedented circumstances we all went through in 2020 with the devastating effects brought on by COVID-19, but primarily to recognise the amazing sacrifices and dedication of our emergency first responders.  Both Andy and Ben have family members who are first responders, and felt it was a way to show their appreciation and respect for what they do.  After contacting Ambulance Victoria with the concept and artwork design for the boat, they were given support to proceed with their plan and Unprecedented was launched.  
50th Melbourne to Hobart 2022, Two Handed
The course takes the competitors out of Port Phillip Heads, across the Bass Strait, then down the rugged West coast of Tasmania, around the Southernmost tip of Australia, past Maatsuyker Island, before heading up the Derwent River to the finish in Hobart.
With more than 30 years of combined offshore and bay sailing between Andy and Ben, we know UNPRECEDENTED will not just have a great story to tell but will also be a huge talking point on and off the water.

New Members

The Executive Committee and members would like to welcome the following new members to Safety Beach Sailing Club.  We look forward to meeting you at the club or on the water in the very near future.
  • Michael and Samantha Chiminello and their children Mia, Sienna and Ava
  • Till Brauckmann

What's On

food and wine3

updated july happenings

Off The Beach News

sabre nationals 2

B14 World Championships

A huge Congratulations to all our sailors that participated in the B14 Worlds on Lake Garda, Italy - mighty effort - you did us proud, esp. Paul Fleming & Craig Garmston who finished in second place overall.  Thanks for sending through the regular reports and fantastic photographs (check out the Safety Beach Sailing Club Facebook page).
ewan lake garda

Keelboat News


Fun Friday Winter Pursuit Series (Race 5)
What a great turn out on Friday afternoon!  Thanks again to Andrew Arblaster and Dawn Clark who were kept busy in the tower.  (Andrew’s report below)
Rob Rainsford
David Phillips
Marrakesh Neil Hawker
Full results here
For the first time this season, we had weather that was promised in the Brochure. Sunny and winds 14 knots – forecast to drop to 10 knots and under. Course 3 had been selected for a total distance of 7.4 NM. A season record of EIGHT boats entered with 30 crew. Easy Day was the standout on the crew numbers, making sure that ‘fun’ was in the race name with 11 crew celebrating a 60th Birthday. Cirrus sailed the course single-handed.
'Start of the Day' was a contest between Balance and Scamp. Balance crossed the line right on start time, with Scamp 1sec later but in the preferred windward position. Cirrus was next closest to start time at 7sec, Marrakesh 11sec, Etoile 16sec. Yknot 20sec, Lumiere 30sec, and Easy day (very much stern down from the number of crew) 46sec. On the windward work to 25, Yknot made a race winning move tacking just past the Yellow Pile to the north, which provided them with better pressure and a lift as they approached 25. E’toile also went right but later than Yknot so missed some of the pressure increase.
The faster boats made up a lot of time on the leg to 23 and 21 there was lots of changes in positions in the fleet on these legs. Lumiere held the lead for some time on this leg. The run back to the Yellow was slow as the breeze was dropping. Balance went north to find more wind but only found a patch of none. Scamp was leading on the approach to the Yellow, but then changed course to the wrong pile, allowing Yknot to pass and finish 4 minutes ahead. The breeze dropped out for the rest of the fleet for about 10 minutes, and four boats parked up about 1 NM from the Yellow. A new breeze came in from the West bringing the smaller boats closer to the fleet. All boats finished well inside the time limit.
Dawn Clark assisted in tower ensuring all procedures were followed which helped to run a successful race. We look forward to seeing more boats on the 4th August.
Thanks to Graeme Ainslie for sending in this photo of Friday's pursuit start
fun friday

This Week’s Race

Brass Monkey Winter Pursuit Series (Race 6)
Sunday 30 July 2023
First Warning Signal:        10.00H  Pursuit Start
Race Officer & Tower:      Di Jackson
Please check your updated pursuit time here
And please come back to the club after the race - for lunch and the AGM (commencing at 2.30pm) and 'Unprecedented' talk.

Photo of the Week

Sent in by Karyl & Norman Kaye on an Expedition Cruise in Iceland

Club Merchandise

Club Merchandise is now ready for order. Contact Marg Fleming on her email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss your options. The youth t-shirts (with names on them) will have another order put in soon, so if you missed out on first round orders, please contact Marg to make sure you get one in the next batch, which will be processed by end of March. These t-shirts have been a hit with the juniors and will be great to wear to regatta's etc. 
club merchanise


If you wish to contribute anything to the Enews, please submit your content to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tuesday 8pm each week to make the deadline. Please note submissions may need to pass through Executive Committee for approval from time to time. Love photography? Submit your Photo Of The Week toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in high res, (and it does not have to be about sailing). Follow us on our socials: FacebookInstagram, and TikTok

Club Sponsors


Club Partners

sponsors womens sailing